I am curious how many unarmed users out there use this as a twist.
Balanced Attacks: Passive- You gain a +[2/4/6] Primal bonus to Attack as long as you are shapeshifted into an animal form, wielding two weapons, or unarmed. Rank 3: Knock down enemies for 2 seconds on vorpal hit. Enemies knocked down by this effect are helpless.
I see a lot of people saying this is the bestamest twist for any twf character. I am curious how many people actually find it useful, because I must say a knockdown every 20 seconds for 2 seconds of helpless damage sounds awful. I have been using it for a while now and it seems quite trivial, every 5-9 seconds it knocks an enemy down for 2 seconds of extra damage. So what is so great about it exactly? I am not trying to knock the ability, or anyone that uses it, this is a serious question.