I spent over an hour learning the amenity system on the guild airship, made some mistakes, but interesting overall-Spending Time on The Guild Airship.
I spent over an hour learning the amenity system on the guild airship, made some mistakes, but interesting overall-Spending Time on The Guild Airship.
Leader of the Crypt Crawlers on Thelanis: http://cryptcrawlers.gamerlaunch.com...sso=1438483841
Erdrique's Blog
Thanks for your info on this, I made some of the same mistakes last night my self, Still dont have things totally straight. I think some of the buff Icons dont list the specific buff and amount so its making me a bit confused as to which ones in the cargo hold that i need to keep.
Argonnessen - Glibb Bonefish, Lev 28 pure Elf Ranger
My ship is rather large, but what I have learned is this:
Your Easter Island-style stat buffing statues are replaced by many of the new amenities and effects do not stack.
You will still need your elemental resist buffs unless someone can note what new amenity replaces that.
Your Experience shrine effects still function unless there's a new anemity that surplants it (not found on my ship at this time).
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more