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  1. #1
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Default Eldritch Defender 16 Paladin / 2 Wizard / 2 Rogue

    I'm planning my first TR for an alt (currently a Fighter).

    16 Paladin (SD) / 2 Wizard (EK) / 2 Rogue

    I want to build some kind of heavy armor sword and board tank (HP, AC, PRR) that would have the option to switch to light/no armor when Evasion is needed (running through traps, fighting casters ...), while having a few self sufficient perks like trap abilities, UMD for scroll buffing/healing. I added 2 Wizard levels for the Eldritch Knight Improved Mage Armor and Shield SLAs (+10% AC, +10PRR and immunity to pesky Magic Missiles) and the first core Cleave attack, which also allows for some more buffing like Jump, and maybe the Palemaster Skeleton Summon for levers and such .

    I don't have a lot of knowledge about building tanks or what kind of defensive bonuses stack or not (like the 10% AC and the 10 PRR from EK mage armor/shield and bonuses from other trees). I don't want to make a one-role min-max build, I still want to be the go-to guy in the group (random PUG, playing mostly EH sometimes EE) when there needs to be a tank (evasion or not), but I also want to contribute by disabling average traps (I assume EE traps are out of the question but that doesn't bother me much).

    I think I'll go Human for the extra feat and +20%-30% healing amplification.

    A build variation could be 16 Paladin / 2 Monk / 2 Artificer, you get 2 bonus martial feats, 1 less wizard feat and the option for a dog instead of a skelly, while keeping trap and evasion abilities.

    Feats: 1 human, 7 heroic, 1 wizard, 3 epic, 2 ED
    power attack
    great cleave
    improved critical slash
    Not sure about these:
    combat expertise
    shield mastery
    improved shield mastery
    shield bash
    also, probably Epic Toughness, OC and Blinding Speed as Epic feats
    Elusive Target and First Blood as ED feats?

    I don't know what the saves are going to be like, but with
    +10/+8/+8 base
    +4/+4/+4 epic
    +10 charisma
    +8 resistance
    +10 constitution/+5 dexterity/+5 wisdom
    +3 stance
    +1 aura
    +4 GH
    that's +50/+43/+43, not counting some other stuff (+6 Ref from EDs, ship buff? ...) which will net me 50+ saves I guess, maybe even 60 with better gear and the bonuses I missed
    these are good enough numbers for me

    I'll spend most (~40) of the Action Points in the Sacred Defender tree up to tier 5.
    Possibly some AP (18) in the Knight of the Chalice tree for Divine Might, Improved Restoration (remove disease also applies Greater Restoration effect) and +10% heal amp
    12-15 AP in the Human tree (heal amp)
    11-13 AP in EK tree for improved mage armor, shield and +75% scrolls
    9 AP in Palemaster for +30 HP and the skeleton
    7 AP in Mechanic for +3 Search/OL/DD

    Some stuff here is optional of course (like the Mechanic and Archmage trees and a few things in the other trees).

    I have 2 sets of shards of power (enough to make 2 double shard tier 3 items, but no cleansing essence), haven't decided what to make yet. Thinking about Smoke II for perma-blur displace clicky, or ConcOpp (+6 cha skills) or a good Guard effect.

    I have 100+ levels in Cannith Crafting, so twink gear (for trapping, etc.) in heroics is not going to be a problem

    I would like your opinion on
    1. the Shield feats (Mastery, Deflection, Bash), I'm wondering if they are really useful or worth as much as the old Power Critical feat (i.e. worthless)
    2. I probably missed a lot of things needed to build a tank or made mistakes, so if you have more knowledge on the subject, go ahead and tell me
    3. similar build concepts / a tank builds master list you could direct me to

    Thanks for reading.

    My Eldritch Defender:

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I don't think pal 16 gets you anything useful; you may wish to consider wiz 3 instead, which gets you lvl 2 spells like Blur, Arcane Barrier, and the first rank of Spellsword. I also don't think trap skills are more useful than 2 extra feats from monk splash instead, but to each their own.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I don't think pal 16 gets you anything useful; you may wish to consider wiz 3 instead, which gets you lvl 2 spells like Blur, Arcane Barrier, and the first rank of Spellsword.
    Yeah I might do that.

    Thanks for the input.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chimeran1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I don't think pal 16 gets you anything useful; you may wish to consider wiz 3 instead, which gets you lvl 2 spells like Blur, Arcane Barrier, and the first rank of Spellsword. I also don't think trap skills are more useful than 2 extra feats from monk splash instead, but to each their own.
    12Paladin/6Sorc/2Rogue offers massive defensive tanking capabilities off the charts!!
    Bladeforged is a must.

  5. #5
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    I'm currently lvl 15 (7 pal / 6 wiz / 2 rog) I have 500hp, 650 in shield stance, average DPS (about 50 dmg per longsword hit with 30% shield bash for another 35 dmg), decent trap skills (almost nofail elite traps at level), 40 UMD (no fail Heal scrolls, GH, ...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimeran1 View Post
    massive defensive tanking capabilities off the charts!!
    Care to elaborate?

  6. #6
    Community Member Mast3rR0b's Avatar
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    Displacement alone is already an incredible defensive tool, add BF Reconstruct sla and you're set.

    As for myself, i've been tinkering with an Arcane Tank build with EK, and so far i came up with:

    - 12 Sorc/6 Pally/2 Fighter PDK, charisma based, very high saves, very high intimidate, heals through LoH, empower healed Cocoon/Renewal/cure wounds (?). A bit feat starved, can't take Overwhelming crit

    - 12 Wizard/6 Pally/2 Fighter H-Elf, strenght based, more feats, double intimidate, racial enhancements on ASF%, undead form for heals, but can still heal through positive energy if needs be (like when tanking Aurgloroasa), can take Overwhelming critical. Can probably hold better aggro, but intimidate will be lower.

    In fact, i've just returned from Lamaland after soloing some EElite quests with the Wizard version. Never came close to dying, even though boss fights are sometimes slow, but that has to be expected.

    Of course Bladeforged would probably be a better option, it's just a pet-peeve of mine to go the fleshy in heavy armor route

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