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Thread: Baba Yaga's hut

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Baba Yaga's hut

    nostalgic sigh:

    The door refused to open. It said, "Five cents, please."
    He searched his pockets. No more coins; nothing. "I'll pay you tomorrow," he told the door. Again it remained locked tight. "What I pay you," he informed it, "is in the nature of a gratuity; I don't have to pay you."
    "I think otherwise," the door said. "Look in the purchase contract you signed when you bought this conapt."
    ...he found the contract. Sure enough; payment to his door for opening and shutting constituted a mandatory fee. Not a tip.
    "You discover I'm right," the door said. It sounded smug.
    Philip K ****, Ubik, 1969

    edit: hahaha, poor Phil's name get the censor treatment !! even as a link *sigh*
    Last edited by Cyprine; 04-26-2014 at 09:39 PM.

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