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  1. #1
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    Default can't get passed "The Akamai NetSession Interface End User License Agreement"

    Installed the game, "The Akamai NetSession Interface End User License Agreement" popup opens, I scroll to the end and "agree"... game thinks for a second, than brings the agreement window back up.
    This happens over and over.

    I have rebooted computer.
    I have uninstalled DDO, reinstalled DDO and having this happen again and again.

    any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Community Member pHo3nix's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Finn42 View Post
    Installed the game, "The Akamai NetSession Interface End User License Agreement" popup opens, I scroll to the end and "agree"... game thinks for a second, than brings the agreement window back up.
    This happens over and over.

    I have rebooted computer.
    I have uninstalled DDO, reinstalled DDO and having this happen again and again.

    any suggestions?
    Do not use the Turbine Launcher. Try Pylotro, you can even patch the game from there, so there's no need at all to install akamai on your PC

    edit: if you use the preload, just launch it, let it do its things, then when it pops up the turbine launcher, close it and launch Pylotro.
    Cannith: Hazrael--Nyal--Thalax

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pHo3nix View Post
    Do not use the Turbine Launcher. Try Pylotro, you can even patch the game from there, so there's no need at all to install akamai on your PC

    edit: if you use the preload, just launch it, let it do its things, then when it pops up the turbine launcher, close it and launch Pylotro.

    what does that mean?
    i downloaded the game from

    I had registered account at
    I have it installed on my system.

    Please explain what luanchers you are talking about with links, as I have no clue...
    trying to play the ddo, but this is a serious setback.

  4. #4
    Community Member pHo3nix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finn42 View Post
    what does that mean?
    i downloaded the game from

    I had registered account at
    I have it installed on my system.

    Please explain what luanchers you are talking about with links, as I have no clue...
    trying to play the ddo, but this is a serious setback.
    When you click on the icon to launch ddo, you are launching the Turbine launcher, where you have to put your username/password and server and then after it checks your account details are correct, the launcher starts the game.

    You can still launch the game without using the official launcher: doing so, you bypass the need to install akamai and you got a faster launcher.

    You can use this:

    Or you can use Pylotro. I actually couldn't find a working link to download it on google, but i got the installer for windows and can share it on google drive if you want.

    If you do not have a SSD i also advise you to download the preloader: it makes the game start a lot faster and will spare you the trouble of red connections issues (link below for the preloader):

    I hope this will help you getting started
    Cannith: Hazrael--Nyal--Thalax

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by pHo3nix View Post
    When you click on the icon to launch ddo, you are launching the Turbine launcher, where you have to put your username/password and server and then after it checks your account details are correct, the launcher starts the game.

    You can still launch the game without using the official launcher: doing so, you bypass the need to install akamai and you got a faster launcher.

    You can use this:

    Or you can use Pylotro. I actually couldn't find a working link to download it on google, but i got the installer for windows and can share it on google drive if you want.

    If you do not have a SSD i also advise you to download the preloader: it makes the game start a lot faster and will spare you the trouble of red connections issues (link below for the preloader):

    I hope this will help you getting started
    thanks, got enough bits and pieces from the other problem with the agreement threads to download it separately, have it register the demo, and that got me to be able to play the ddo game w/o having to re-agree.
    Tbh... i think its a bit annoying of DDO to have all this third party software to just launch the game, but then again, tis a free game.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finn42 View Post
    Installed the game, "The Akamai NetSession Interface End User License Agreement" popup opens, I scroll to the end and "agree"... game thinks for a second, than brings the agreement window back up.
    This happens over and over.

    I have rebooted computer.
    I have uninstalled DDO, reinstalled DDO and having this happen again and again.

    any suggestions?
    I solved this problem only desintalando and reinstalling the akamai

  7. #7
    Community Member FredCDobbs's Avatar
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    Yeah, this *just* started happening to me - after weeks of Akamai
    happily lurking in the background, waiting to transmit my personal
    data to anyone and everyone the moment some anonymous suit in
    an offshore server-farm trips a software flag.

    It *WAS* working 'as intended' - and then, suddenly, The Loop.

    I sent in a Turbine/WB tech ticket: guess what, so far it's been
    nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds. This is bunk.

  8. #8
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Most of the akamai problems should be solved monday... Akamai Netsession will not be mandatory to start the game after monday's patch.
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  9. #9
    Community Member kaoslordz's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    Most of the akamai problems should be solved monday... Akamai Netsession will not be mandatory to start the game after monday's patch.
    Thank god cus Im stuck in this loop as well.

  10. #10
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Have you tried downloading Akamai Netsession DIRECTLY FROM AKAMAI?

    This is what others have written about right here in this Windows PC Technical Assistance thread. There have to be at least 10 other threads about this.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaoslordz View Post
    Thank god cus Im stuck in this loop as well.
    To get out of that loop after monday, go in your DDO Installation directory. ( before monday you will have to follow moomooprincess advice )

    There should be a backup sub-directory...
    In it you should have an older version of Turbine launcher... with luck it's the one that doesn't have akamai.
    Copy it back in the game directory and launch it... It should update and download the version where netsession is not required.
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  12. #12
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    Apparently the issue has resurfaced. I reset a computer to Dell factory settings, which included a reformat of the drive and reinstall of win7. First thing installed is DDO and the Akamia EULA keeps coming up while the client is downloading. I select accept on it and it continues to come up. Anyone else ran into this? I have created a ticket with support but I really do not have much faith in their tech staff.


  13. #13
    Community Member irnimnode's Avatar
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    got pass the Akamia problem but now the client will not finish the update it fails at about 64% any ideas

  14. #14
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    For some reason it installed the Akamai software but didn't start the service automatically, thus it fails to initialize.

    What worked for me:

    In Windows, go to Control Panel / Akamai Netsession Interface Control Panel

    Under the Preferences tab, under Service section, click Start

    Run DDO and it works.

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