Hi; I'm looking for a cross-server card trade to Khyber: I have 9 cards to trade that I'll happily give to you if you give me your cards on Khyber.
Please PM me here or on Khyber (Ninevrisei) if interested.
Red Orm
Hi; I'm looking for a cross-server card trade to Khyber: I have 9 cards to trade that I'll happily give to you if you give me your cards on Khyber.
Please PM me here or on Khyber (Ninevrisei) if interested.
Red Orm
Last edited by RedOrm; 03-12-2014 at 04:14 PM.
Currently I have the following cards on Wayfinder: 4x #1, 3x #5, 2x #7, 4x #8. I'm still looking for cards on Khyber. If you want to trade, please contact me here or on Khyber (Ninevrisei) or Wayfinder (Keeptokens).
Red Orm
By now, I found 2 non-vip trading partners on Wayfinder, and we excange cards daily.
However, I'm doing the cards for 3 vip accounts, so by now I have 20 cards on Wayfinder that I would very much like to trade for cards on Khyber. Any takers?
Red Orm