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  1. #1
    Ice Drakeling digital_terror1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Can't use Estar key onboard an airship anymore?

    When attempting to use the Estar key while on board my airship today, I received the message that it cannot be used in teleport restricted areas. The key works fine once I leave the airship.

    Why is the Estar key no longer able to be used while on board the guild airship?

  2. #2
    Community Member Wanesa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by digital_terror1 View Post
    When attempting to use the Estar key while on board my airship today, I received the message that it cannot be used in teleport restricted areas. The key works fine once I leave the airship.

    Why is the Estar key no longer able to be used while on board the guild airship?
    /confirmed bug

    Thelanis: Shewind the Airbender (Sorc20/Epic5 -> Bard20/Epic8 -> Rog20/Epic8/Epic2 -> Harper_FvS20/Epic4 -> Art20/Epic8/Epic8 -> Rng20/Epic10 -> Drd6),
    Azaxe (Rog18/Wiz2 -> Sorc20/Epic8/Epic10->Sorc(EK)17)

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