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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Minimum skill point investment for trapping?

    I was reading about a Cleric build earlier today - Clr17/Mnk2/Rog1. The Rogue level was taken first, and 4 ranks put in the Rogue skills (Open Lock, Disable Device, etc.) The poster of the build said that with four ranks in the skills, and maximum level-appropriate skill-booster items, he could get through just about any trap.

    The build was posted almost three years ago, and I'm considering a similar 1-level Rogue splash and wondering if that's still the case. I know there are a few traps with unusually high DCs, but could I, say, get through Hard with only four points invested, or would it be necessary to throw some cross-class points into Disable Device and/or Open Lock to stay capable?

  2. #2
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member Battery's Avatar
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    You'll have to keep putting points into those skills every level to keep them maxed. That means a minimum of 4 skill points for level just for traps (2 into search and 2 into disable) 2 more for open lock and 2 into UMD if you want those maxed too. It's doable but no you can't just stop at the first 4 points at level 1.
    "Those who believe in telekinetics raise my hand"-Kurt Vonnegut

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battery View Post
    You'll have to keep putting points into those skills every level to keep them maxed. That means a minimum of 4 skill points for level just for traps (2 into search and 2 into disable) 2 more for open lock and 2 into UMD if you want those maxed too. It's doable but no you can't just stop at the first 4 points at level 1.
    I did think that I might need to do more than just the first 4! I wondered whether the difference between Normal/Hard/Elite might be such that I'd need to keep it maxed for Elite, but could get away with skipping a few ranks for Hard, and letting it slide even more for Normal, though.

  5. #5
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    You definately wont search out many trap boxes and disable them in heroic elites from abut level 6+ if your stopping at 4 ranks in search and disable.

    Are you sure he didnt only spend 4 ranks on open lock. Almost all the heroic elite locks can be picked with only 4 ranks spent, it requires a lot of buffs gear and and high rolls though.

  6. #6
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    Generally, 4 ranks is not enough. But would it be truly impossible? It's only 19 points difference. Players have gained a lot of power. As a theoretical exercise, I think it would be possible (but perhaps not practical) to find enough gear/pots/enhancements to do it.

    * skill tomes: +5
    * elite spider cult mask: +1
    * human enhancements:
    *** HV:skill +4
    *** skill focus: awareness + nimble fingers +3
    *** skill mastery +1
    *** GH early +4
    * mechanic enhancements (rogue 1):
    *** awareness + mechanics +3
    * cleric spell Find Traps: insight bonus to Search, up to +9 on the build in OP
    * swap crafted good luck+2 at level 7
    * greensteel at level 11: +6 exceptional bonus
    * upgraded Ventilated Bracers at level 13: +5 enhancement bonus
    * PL:Artificer x3: +3 to int skills
    * completionist: +2 skills +1 from ability increase

    then there are alchemical skill potions (+3)... bard singing along (+2)... and possibly other stuff.

    It might be actually easier than it seems.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    You definately wont search out many trap boxes and disable them in heroic elites from abut level 6+ if your stopping at 4 ranks in search and disable.

    Are you sure he didnt only spend 4 ranks on open lock. Almost all the heroic elite locks can be picked with only 4 ranks spent, it requires a lot of buffs gear and and high rolls though.
    This is the thread I was looking at:

    Max whatever you want at first level with Rogue. With 2 ranks in disable device and 4 in search I am able to do almost every trap in the game with full gear.
    Eat plus 2 int tome at level 1 and have 3 skill points/level.
    UMD and concentration at cleric levels.
    UMD, concentration and stealth skills on monk levels.
    Because I mostly (just about always, really) solo, I'm not too concerned with being able to hit Elite DCs; Hard would definitely be sufficient.

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