24 undead destroyed by a rain of ham?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Greyhawk Wars for TripleA
colors is great up until you blow yourself or you party to bits without trying. There is a downside to this feat.
I was killed by another player that was using the feat yesterday in a VoN 3 run.
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)
Colors is always fun. Comet Fall on a Korthos Skeleton will never get old. I have only seen the Ham-splosion once so far and it went off on the training dummy.