Quote Originally Posted by Thalone View Post
Crucible swim, method where you don't have to make any saves. Buffing your Swim skill helps, but is not required. While this character did indeed have evasion, you'll note "Evade" never appeared over her head.

That being said, you don't have to do a perfect swim even on heroic elite: a whack of HPs and a stack of Cure pots when you make a minor mistake are fine, even with a full party (no damage scaling). Alternatively, you can bring a hireling with res spells on their hotbar (hirelings can cast under water). There is also a valve under the water after the maze room to turn off the flow, but I've never done that method and can't comment on it.

So do the swim next time in your pure cleric in full plate with no reflexes an impress your party!
Awesome post. Ty.

I have a pure cleric, but on eH she can just aura heal through most traps, the traps in von5 EE will kill her if not disabled, so learning how to avoid them is very useful.

I have also done the swim in heroic elite crucible on a pure druid, reflex save of 4. I got as far as the last spikes before getting hit, used hire to raise me, and onwards. Your avoid spikes swim in this video seems much more fool proof, though. Might try that next time.