It would be nice if there was a complete reincarnation table somewhere. I tried to copy a table from Word here, but it didn't copy very well. Also there are several things I'm not sure about

Heroic TR Epic Reincarnation Iconic TR
Requirements to start Minimum level 20 Cap (28) Cap (28)
Race Any non-iconic any Any
karma None 6 million in chosen epic destiny sphere none
item True Drudic heart of wood* ??? ???
When done you will have/be Level 1 (if non-iconic)15 (if iconic) 20 1 (if non-iconic)15 (if iconic)
Class Any** Same Any**
Race Any or iconic** Same Any or iconic
Points for build +2 up to 36 Abilities don’t change +2 up to 36
Gain past life Past life (same as before U20) Epic past life based on selected epic destiny sphere Past life (same as before)Iconic past life (???)
Other Lose all favor and raid/quest completionsKeep all epic destinies/karma Keep all favor and raid/quest completions and karma in other epic destiny spheresLose karma in selected epic destinyKeep all epic destiny progress Lose all favor and raid/quest completionsKeep all epic destinies/karma
??? ??? ??? ???

* Can be acquired from DDO store or with 20 tokens of the twelve
** Most have access to desired class/race