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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    Some people have a hard time recognizing victory when they see it. Maybe we are all so oppressed by Da Man that we can't really comprehend that victory is even possible?

    -> Nonetheless, we are still winning
    Yes, you do. We have not "won" anything. As of right now, the comms are still BTC, still will only drop in Sagas, etc.

  2. #42
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    I don't think anyone's on Turbine's payroll, besides the Devs.

    Now I completely disagree with the OP (as you can tell from the second post in this thread), but I'm sure that's his real feelings.

    However, I think it's very naive to claim any sort of victory about the TR Heart situation.

    Everything that has been announced would be what we expect from the Devs when previewing things on the preview server. If you feel that adjustments to the number of CoVs that drop or needed to TR is a Win, it just shows how much of a sorry state the DDO and the Devs are when creating a product enjoyed by players. The preview server is just being rubber stamped without taking in player's feedback (which it has been for a long time, especially when it comes to placeholder numbers), then there's something very dysfunctional happening on the business side of the MMO. So giving into adjusting the numbers cannot be seen as anything close to a win, except that for once the placeholder numbers MAY change before going live. There's still a chance we get this bad numbers, just like when we are told that XP may be adjusted or the collectible turn-ins may be adjust with no real change in numbers.

    Second, delaying the removal of Epic Tokens for TR Heart is not a real win either. It was basically the Devs acknowledging that their new system with Sagas wasn't workable for this Update, even though it would have rolled out with the Token option removed. Heck, the Epic Tokens is actually a partial lose for players since they are striping Epic Tokens from 3 quests right off the bat.

    As other have mentioned, all the other things that players have asked for haven't been met at all. It's up for discussion at Turbine, which doesn't mean anything. You know what else is up for discussion at Turbine: adding Cannith Crafting shards, fixing ladders, possibly Epicfying old Eberron content, fixing the Wand Bracelet, adjusting Guild Renown, balancing Challenges, putting more Cosmetics into Gold Rolls... And I could keep going. Just because the Devs say that the are reviewing it, it doesn't mean changes or actions are going to happen.

    So declaring now that Players have gotten a Victory or Players are Winning does nothing but let Turbine off the hook because they don't have as much pressure so they can continue on with their original plans.

  3. #43
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    I completely agree Geoff.

    Provided they keep heroic TR hearts easily accessible, which they will continue to be and appear to be set on keeping that way even post epic dungeon tokens, the rest is gravy.

    The BTC v BTA commendations thing is genuinely perplexing to me, and I completely agree they should be bta, but to say we can't chalk up a victory because there are flaws is missing the forest for the trees.

    As someone who likes sagas and thinks they make for a much more interesting end game than the occasional Fall of Truth or What Goes Up run, I couldn't disagree more with people who think commendations in saga rewards is an inappropriate place for them. They certainly belong other places as well, and Glin said they were looking where those places would be. I strongly suspect in epic Chests is at least part of the right answer, and I genuinely believe we'll get that as a result of it being the only posited solution by the community so far.

    Yes, yes I'm naive because Turbine is "evil" and I have forgotten x, y, z. Sure.

    The complaint about 'I don't have or enjoy the content of certain sagas' is more reasonable I suppose, and I hope they introduce still more sagas, particularly for old Eberron Epic packs, but we'll see. If you don't enjoy certain content (*cough* purple Wheloon *cough*), I'm sure there will still be something for you to grind, like the MoTU saga and MoTU + rift series sagas. That's still more variety than the status quo of Time is Money or epic DA.

    TL;DR the community is high on rage sauce and apart from the BTA v BTC ridiculousness (and I really only play one character; it's just such a silly constraint that will so obviously affect anyone with alts negatively that I can't help but be annoyed too), everything in Glin's letter about DDO's direction impressed me.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
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  4. #44
    Community Member Arianka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonqrandom View Post
    we're supposed to be better than this. please quit with the ad hominen.
    I thought it was a some what serious question. we clearly havent won and no matter what ddogamer says, it won't be the case until new comms are BtA, it takes way less comms to get heroic heart, or hopfully both.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    I am entitled to my opinion.
    Sure you are... at the cost of being trite and insulting towards other player's opinions? What a wonderful world you want to game in.

  6. #46
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Sure you are... at the cost of being trite and insulting towards other player's opinions? What a wonderful world you want to game in.
    lol not sure where I insulted anyone but take your own advice please.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    lol not sure where I insulted anyone but take your own advice please.
    And there you have it folks.

  8. #48
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    Some people have a hard time recognizing victory when they see it. Maybe we are all so oppressed by Da Man that we can't really comprehend that victory is even possible?

    -> Nonetheless, we are still winning
    You really don't get it, do you?

    Do you even know WHY people are protesting?
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  9. #49
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    My only complaint (related to the Hearts) was needing to run Epic content to get Heroic Hearts…they’ve rescinded that albeit temporarily (the temporarily worries me a bit) so needing to run Epic Sagas to get Epic/Iconic Hearts (both of which require Lvl 28) is totally fine with me (and my friends I play with are cool with it too…the sagas are actually a cool idea…it helps point out connected story lines and gives you an extra reward for doing them…they just need a way to track them better)

    My last point of contention is the fact that the comms will be BTC if they switching that to BTA I’d be 100% happy (NOT UNBOUND!!!)

    Anyways I CAN understand all the hate and conspiracy theories I don’t agree with it (despite occasionally committing these acts) but I understand…it’s when the devs don’t answer people start to get jittery I mean DDO has Devs who’s sole job is to monitor the forums (and other community related things) so you’d think communication would be more common.

    It really is frustrating when there’s something huge to people (ie. Eldritch Knight…well it’s a big deal to me :P ) and the devs don’t respond for 2 weeks, than come back saying “We’ve listened to feedback so we’ve modified ability X for 30 to 35? ok that’s cool…but no one was actually talking about that ability and there’s still these massively glaring issues you didn’t mention…what about those. So yeah I can understand why people sometimes feel like the devs (or maybe WB?) are going to do w/e they feel like regardless of the players views.

    That all said whilst I haven’t had the chance to personally meet any of the devs IRL I have had several private conversations with many of the devs and they are really cool people so I doubt they upset people on purpose I think there just some sort of disconnect.

    I really do think some sort of player council that actually meets with the devs on a regular basis on skype or google hangouts or some other LIVE meeting place (w/o having to fly people around the world :P ) this council should rotate members so its not always the same people and make the application a lot less intimidating than the mournlands application…you don’t need any qualifications beyond I play DDO.

    I hope the devs remember were not the enemies either and the reason we react so strongly is because we love this game and we want to see it flourish but we don’t want to see it lose it’s uniqueness, its flexibility or its roots in the process (I’m looking at you dice notation)

    Oh and this council, its meeting times (at least the date) and its members should NOT be secret the idea is that players bring their questions to the council (in an officialish thread for discussion do NOT pm the council members) and the council brings them to the devs and than brings the devs answers in a new officialish thread (all the let's talk and official discussion threads will be monitored by the council) The more public is the better for forum morale and the better it will work.

    That said please stop making 500 million threads about the same thing...if there's an official thread try to stick to that thread all making extra threads does is clutter up the new posts page and makes it harder for the devs to keep track...also please stop posting Lama related things outside of the lammania forums.

    Sidenote: I just read Ausdoerrt’s press release thing and that guy that got a temp-ban that’s not cool someone should go tell that GM off, talk about violating basic rights. Also It really shouldn’t take so much effort (protest+media coverage) from the players just to get the devs talking.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 10-24-2013 at 10:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

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