OK - I've been through all the discussions regarding Shiradi Casters. I've had 2 full lives of Shiradi and done various builds on Lama Land. Right now I'm lacking sleep (new baby) and am at L17 on my current Shiradi Caster's life.

Here's my dilemma - I was planning on going 16/2/2 (Sorc/FvS/Pally), but also was looking into the 16/4 (Sorc/FvS) build that's also out there. What I've been really considering is possibly even crazier and due to my lack of sleep and the general craziness that surrounds a newborn I don't have the time to test this on Lama if I want to even consider playing the little bit I do get to on Live.

Here it is:

14/4/2 (Sorc/FvS/Pally)

What I'm gaining: 4 FvS Levels give me the first 4 tiers of Angel of Vengence - quite a boost to Fire and Force Spells and Crit chance. 2 Pally levels give me the high saves that I'm not sure I can live without since I primarily Solo except for raids and guild nights. I'm not worried about my gear layout since I'm pretty well set from my past lives - It'll just need a little tweaking once I'm up above L25 and closing in on cap.

What I'm losing: I'm not planning on putting much into Air Savant, so I'll lose wings and KD immunity. I'm losing one spell each from Level 5,6,7, and 8 (I don't think I'm losing anything I can't live without or scroll) and...what else??? This is where I'm drawing a blank. Any help here would be appreciated and if all goes well I will be play testing/leveling on live, not on Lama, so I can report back on exactly how I build is put together.

Thanks for any input.