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  1. #1
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Red face The Silver Circle is recruiting. Come join the antics! :P

    >>> The Silver Circle <<<
    Come join our friendly Cannith guild! <


    Why join?

    > The Silver Circle
    is an excellent place for beginners and casual veterans. Especially for those who want to run Elite BB Heroic quests. Quests where full-optionals are done, and where Zerging is unwelcome.

    > I have received a lot of positive feedback from players who are new to DDO, or Cannith Server, and require help to get started. Many large guilds do not assist low level characters, and newer players tend to be ignored. Within The Silver Circle
    I guarantee you will not be ignored. There is no obligation to stay if you are not happy, we are a very easy going group. Hell most of the time we are just downright silly


    More Information:

    If you would like to join, or just receive more information, you may send me a Tell ingame. Or send mail using the ingame Lightning-mailbox. Simply enter the name Hallowood.


    Some of the basics:

    Voice Chat

    > We use Raid Call for in-game voice chat. Members are encouraged to use Discord whether they are questing in a party, or just soloing quests on their own. The voice-chat allows the Officer to better know the members in the guild. It’s much easier to provide advice on character builds, as well as quest information while using voice-chat. Raid Call is not mandatory, however anti-social members will never be made into Officers no matter how powerful they may become.

    Banned from the Guild:
    > There are 3 ways to get kicked from the Guild:

    1) Be in-active for more than two months, if you're under level 10.
    2) Be in-active for more than five months, if you're under level 20.
    3) Be a trolling ******-bags. Other than that I'm pretty easy going.

    Note: TR's and Epic toons may be inactive longer. Also keep on eye on Alt's (secondary characters) They can also be removed if not used.


    History of The Silver Circle

    The Silver Circle is an order of The Silver Flame formed to hunt down and destroy Evil Outsiders within Ebberon. The Silver Circle originally employed lawful warriors mainly; Paladins, Fighters, Monks and a large division of Clerics. But as evil-forces from Kyber overwhelmed the continent of Khorvaire, The Silver Circle opened its ranks to outsiders in order to fend off the growing evil. The Silver Circle now employs a wide variety of knights and mercenaries to battle the evil within Ebberon. The new ranks include all manner of warrior including deceitful Rogues, savage Barbarians, and even necromantic Wizards.

    > A Stalwart Defender named Zaille was the first leader of The Silver Circle, responsible for the gathering of the initial members and naming of the guild. Zaille devoted himself to fighting the evil within Stormreach. His leadership gathered the initial Officers together, and through his training those Officer trained new Officers, growing The Silver Circle into the elite warband it is today.

    > The original leader, Zaille fell in battle a few years ago while campaigning in the Devil’s Battleground within Amarath. His body was never recovered.


    Still to come. Officer roster list…

    Writen by:
    Hallowood the Hermit
    Last edited by huntunderhill; 07-20-2018 at 05:05 AM. Reason: Discord now not TeamS

  2. #2
    Community Member Conbarb24's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Level 60!!!

    Cya ingame

  3. #3
    Community Member VaultofIron's Avatar
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    Feb 2014

    Default To Battle!

    Ill see you all soon. As soon as my internet connection stops failing :/

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010

    Default I found it

    I was here, now I'm gone. My name will live on...
    Deakar the Damned
    Last edited by morrowproject; 04-10-2014 at 08:55 PM.

  5. 04-19-2014, 01:55 PM

  6. #6
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Victoria Day Update

    Our guild has just gained the last +2 Stat bonus. The Silver Circle now has all the guild ship buffs which includes: the +30 Resistance buffs, the +2 Stat buffs, and the Humanoid House buffs. Only the Alter of Devastation and higher XP buff remains.

    The guild is holding strong at 100 active accounts. And we just recently had 3 flawless elite BB guild raids where we destroyed the end bosses!

  7. #7
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Red face and we live on...

    Quote Originally Posted by morrowproject View Post
    i was here, now i'm gone. My name will live on...
    Deakar the damned
    t _ 99 _ t
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  8. 01-02-2015, 11:07 AM

  9. #9
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Uische View Post
    This short gif of this kitten vs lizard reminds me of the DDO newbs who have far more power than experience.
    Interesting. Reminds me how the TRs just kinda hover around sometimes. You know, to let others figure out the quest. They kinda just hover and don't say a word to correct you, or even bother to lend a hand. It can be very entertaining to just cover around

    Hell, I've stood completely still in a Raid-party (Tempest Spine) before and very very slowly watched the Raid-party all die, as I stood there and did absolutely nothing. And once they were all dead and Raging, I calmly walked around grabbing the Soul-stones of the few people left that hadn't Rage-quit, and brought them to the Shrine. Now that 7, of the 12 we started with had now given up and gone home, we were only 4. So what did I do??? I took the 4 people remaining and completed that Raid, which isn't difficult to do in Tempest Spine. After all, it's much easier to manage a party of 5 than 12. In fact, if even just 3-4 people don't listen, the entire party is in danger of wiping.


    I find it interesting how people behave liking Lemmings in a Raid:

    "Omg! That Trap just killed that guy because he didn't wait for the Trapper and failed to jump over the trap." So what does half the party do??? Half the party also tries to make the jump, getting 50% of the Raid-party killed. <-- This is really funny to sit back and watch. I wish I had a video camera. Muah ha ha

    And this is why most of the Raids I'm in are private

    Eventually we TRs become tired of collecting Soul-stones. To the point that could you imagine me, one guy. Carrying the bodies of 11 corpse on my shoulder, while trying to solo through hordes of Elite mobs, struggling to make it to the next rest spot. One single guy carrying 11 rotting armoured corpse while trying to fend off a dozen bloody thirsty Drow. I cannot count how many times I've done this.


    I feel communication is the key. Having a leader that explains what the Raid is step by step. But also, and I can't stress this enough, if somebody is lost or lagging behind or doesn't understand the quest objectives. It is that players duty to say something... to yell "Hey wait up!" After all if I have a party of 7 running left towards an Elite trap, while 2 players on the right are lagging behind. It's obvious which direction I will be headed, since I value 7 over 2.


    Quote Originally Posted by Uische View Post

    Back to my new Battlestar Galactica online, until I can salvage a hard-drive to empower my return.
    BG Online! Why am I just finding out about this now!

    For parties, PVM and Raids I always go DDO.
    For single player I play Fallout and Path of Exile.
    For PvP I'd try Smite.
    Last edited by huntunderhill; 06-29-2015 at 12:08 AM. Reason: Grammar Error.
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  10. 01-06-2015, 10:59 AM

  11. #11
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Guild Officer's Roster

    Successor Someiyoshino.
    Officer: Doggyheals.
    Officer: Korros.
    Officer: Ravni.
    Officer: Kazzark
    Officer: Xarba.
    Officer Stiekum.
    Officer Yfactor.
    Officer: Stardaile

    Last edited by huntunderhill; 09-04-2020 at 08:22 AM.
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Mar 2014

    Default Guildtrolls

    Seeing them, you would not expect them capable of being sneaky.
    Their grotesque appearance can be deceiving though, for some of them can be quite cunning and stealthy.

    The Silver Circle is a relaxed bunch of adventurers that welcomes any newcomers into their midst. We try to help any such new recruits as much as we can and try to provide them with whatever gear we find, so that all Silver Circlers are able to venture out into dangerous realms and hope to do some good. We try to be hospitable and provide a sense of community that way. All in all this strategy has worked very well and has resulted in a tight knit group of characters, the biggest ship available, chockfull of amenities and many chests full of goodies for all members.

    Now one of these cunning monstrosities has weaselled itself into our midst. It has disguised itself somehow into the form of an adventurer and in so doing has deceived one of our officers into recruiting it into our guild. Its nefarious character has soon betrayed its presence, however for it could not contain its greedy nature in seeing all our gathered loot and has cleaned out our guild chests three times already.

    Now that the officers in our guild have been alerted to the presence of this thieving creature its days are numbered. It will be rooted out. It will be caught and brought to justice. A justice Silver Circle Style. It will rue the day it set horrific foot on our decks. It will feel pain it did not know was possible it could endure. For what will feel like an eternity it will be subjected to this agony. Then it will be snuffed out and its grotesque corpse will be petrified and placed on deck for all to see. It will remind all members old and new of the one rule we have in our guild: Thou Shalt Not Be A Guildtroll!


  13. 04-04-2015, 11:09 AM

  14. #14
    Community Member Uische's Avatar
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    May 2013


    For parties, PVM and Raids I always go DDO.
    For single player I play Fallout and Path of Exile.
    For PvP I'd try Smite.[/QUOTE]

    I can add something:
    What I highly recommend is for each person in a new group to state what they are specialized in doing, so in quest,
    others know to wait for that person to do his thing.
    Maybe use "!" in text for saying "stop! this is important!" or "head's up!". Try calling dibs on enemies you have a special way of dealing with, and get the others to agree on waiting for it, supportively.
    And for those who do runs often together, do some casual wilderness runs and take turns showing your fighting style to others.
    Knowing what each others styles are is key to military style coordination and heightened success.

    [If not for my recruiter pulling a breach of contract, I would have had a career in Army Intelligence. =p ]
    Last edited by Uische; 03-11-2015 at 03:25 PM.

  15. 11-08-2014, 11:37 AM

  16. #16
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Nov 14 2014

    Known issue today. Other servers are down. Many people are having login issue and can't travel.
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  17. 01-27-2015, 12:26 PM

  18. #18
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I got rid of some old posts. But I'm going to keep some of the older one's that show the guild's progress.
    Last edited by huntunderhill; 01-30-2015 at 07:12 PM.
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  19. #19
    Community Member
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    Mar 2014

    Default Officer Mail

    Heya guys!

    A discussion in-game with Hallo resulted in an idea to create a mail chain for the officers of our guild.
    This way we would be able to coordinate our efforts better, to my humble opinion.
    And just to keep in contact.

    I have set up a new mail account for this and suggest all other officers to do the same:

    (Officer first name)

    Hope this works.

    See you all in-game!


  20. 04-07-2015, 07:26 PM

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