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  1. #1

    Smile DDOGamer: Putting the Bad Guys to Sleep. Literally.

    A lulllaby for those doomed monsters foolish enough to face my OMG Artificer and her new weapon

    -> Not a good lullaby, but a lullaby nonetheless

  2. #2
    Founder Firepants's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    It's a shame that the epic version's nightshade venom doesn't have a more epic DC.

  3. #3
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    It also stinks that the Doublecross, and its older-by-minutes-Big-twin-sister the Slaver's Hand Crossbow, pretty much don't work on Epic Hard and Epic Elite, since their DC is balanced by the poison/stat damage, which just doesn't work on EH/EE. **** you Epic Ward!

    p.s. It's spelled Cuttlefish. Fish don't cuddle.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Systern View Post
    It also stinks that the Doublecross, and its older-by-minutes-Big-twin-sister the Slaver's Hand Crossbow, pretty much don't work on Epic Hard and Epic Elite, since their DC is balanced by the poison/stat damage, which just doesn't work on EH/EE. **** you Epic Ward!

    p.s. It's spelled Cuttlefish. Fish don't cuddle.
    Oh no, I have it right. A squid-like mollusc with an internal shell is a cuttlefish. A newborn nephew, sleeping and swaddled in one's arms is a cuddlefish.

    Glad I was able to sort that out for you

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