The following items are for auction, I am looking for a tp code
EE Giantcraft Syberis Compass
EE Bronze Ingot Arcanum
EE Bulwark of the Sotrms Fist
EE Treads of Falling Shadow
EH Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy
EN Bracers of Twitsting Shade
+3 tome of con
+3 tome of dex
+3 tome of int
+1 str augment x2
114 corrosion augment
Alchemical Greataxe
Grave wrappings
Seal of House Avithoul Dex 7
Drow Khopesh Vertigo +10
2 raid timer bypass hourglasses
Inicial price is a 5000 point code, send private message in forums to me if you are intrested.