I recently used a stone of experience and mistakenly took level 17. I was wondering if I would lesser reincarnate could i stop leveling at 16 and bank 17?
I recently used a stone of experience and mistakenly took level 17. I was wondering if I would lesser reincarnate could i stop leveling at 16 and bank 17?
Guess its time to grind out a couple levels.
Thanks for the info.
No you cant leave the reincarnation ship until you have regained all the levels and experience you had.
Can you teleport out? (assuming the UMD/class to do so) I don't know, I've never even thought about this situation.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
i once /death it worked. BUT it was not while using the stone. it was starting a toon at lv 7. but i was able to get off the ship. and i did loose some xp doing it good luck let us know
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
If you use a stone of xp, you will be hard xp capped
(unable to earn any xp except monster manuel xp)
until you take all the levels you can take.
However, if you are fortunate enough to earn level 19,
you can stop leveling up when you reach 18. Level 18
and 19 are built different than all the other levels.
Witness getting epic xp while still level 18, etc...
So, if you happen to be able to find a way to get yourself back to level 16,
it will not do you any good at all.