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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Help me improve my melee Cleric

    Hi All,

    I took a break around the release of MOTU, and have come back recently as a more casual player.
    I am finding that my clonk is not terribly effective in epic hard or epic elite and would like to make some changes.

    In general, stunning fist dc needs to be improved (currently ~45), and I find dps to be lacking on inflated mob hp. This is particularly noticeable in Gianthold.

    I was hoping some people may have some suggestions to improve effectiveness:

    17 Cleric/2 Monk/1 Fighter

    Currently I am progressing through the Grandmaster of Flowers epic destiny (with brace for impact as a twist of fate, and possibly 10% spell points).

    Feats: TWF line, Empower Heal, Quicken, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Heighten, Toughness, Improved Critical Bludgeoning, Stunning Fist

    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Ring: Gnawed Ring, strength + 6, exceptional con + 1, holy burst
    Ring: Kyosho's ring, wisdom + 6, exceptional strength + 1, exceptional constitution +2
    Necklace: Torc, Shinato Cord
    Boots: Epic boots of Corrosion, +6 Dexterity, Toughness
    Cloak: Greensteel weave of Concordonant Opposition, wisdom + 6, +45 hp
    Bracers: Supreme tyrant Greensteel bracers of lightning, sp, charisma skills, wizardry VI, lightning strike
    Armour: DT, Healing amp 10%, 20%, Spell pen
    Goggles: Epic googles of time sensing, Tharnes
    Belt: Epic belt of Mroranon: str +6, con +7, heavy fort, toughness
    Trinket: Epic Gem of Many Facets
    Handwraps: alchemical wraps, grave wrappings

    Potential upgrades I am thinking about:
    Epic Ring of the Stalker - ghostly, some other nice properties
    Epic Spare Hand - to improve stunning fist dc

    Important aspects of the build I would like to focus on:
    heal amp to make use of the aura, stunning fist dc, general dps and survivability

    It would be quite possible to switch out some feats for something better: heighten could definitely go.


  2. #2
    Community Member mr.stevens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Power from ED's

    You obviously have thought more about this toon than anyone could do with the brief you have given us to look at.
    You have a good build with good feats and good gear.

    Only suggestions I will make is to get to lvl 25 for more feats (if not already done) and then work on your Epic Destinies. Most of a capped toons power will come from ED's. Also the Monks EiN (Everything is Nothing) Epic Moment is like a nuclear explosion. Get some more fate points and get the Ring of the Stalker with 2 augment slots to replace the duplicated WIS +6 ring. Surely that's enough to be getting on with.

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