I play only a couple hours a week, so it takes forever for me to gain levels. Anyway, seeing the enhancement pass coming, I'm intrigued by the idea of a Human Paladin potentially getting to take Radiant Servant. I know, I know, we don't really know if that will be possible, but hypothetically, it might. And I'd like to fill my last empty char slot with a Paladin. Never played one to high level before. So, for the theoretical Radiant Servant, I'd really like to have Empower Healing and the Extra Turning feats. Because of Paladin's already tight feats, I have two feat-options (to level 20).
Idea #1 Pure Paladin
Human - Toughness
7 Standard Feats
Power Attack
Great Cleave
Extra Turning
Empower Healing
IC: Slash
or Idea #2 2 lvl Fighter Splash
(Same as previous, plus)
I don't want to get rid of Empower Heal or Extra Turning feats. But I'm wondering, DPS-wise, which option would be better. The Paladin Capstone, but only getting THF, or missing the Paladin capstone, but getting the full THF chain.
Could someone with awesome math skills help me determine which would give me a better bang for my buck DPS-wise?