All of the old epics should be revamped to be like Faerun and Gianthold - items drop, they are better if you run it on epic elite than if you run it on epic hard.
And all the scrolls, shards and seals should be tradeable for augments - for example, 3 shards -> 1 ruby augment of various kinds, three seals -> 1 topaz... or something like that.
The loot grind for epics was needed as a way to keep powergamers happy in the pre-epic-destiny world. But its time has passed.
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Whatever the change is, I do think something needs to change.
The amount of grind needed to get items that are now just "leveling" items - and will be even more so when the level cap jumps to 28.
3-for-1 trade = good.
"whole item" drop (similar to new epics) = good.
Even a significantly increased drop rate by itself would be helpful, but with so very many Desert items, even that would be a limited benefit.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
When I TR and hit level 11 I get to pull out all my GS and DQ raid items and it feels like christmas, same thing happens when I hit 20 with all those legacy epic items. Don't really want to see that move to the new flavor of the month system with 3 different versions of the same item where the upgrades aren't always upgrades.
Just make seals/shards tradable.
Personally, I would like to see the loot revamped to work like Fall of Truth rewards and use the Scroll/Shard/Seal mechanics as a way to do upgrades.
Ex. Sword of Shadows*
Heroic Normal:
- Acquired by looting from HN VoN6
- Base Damage 1[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +5
- Material: Adamantine
Heroic Hard:
- Acquired by looting from HH VoN6
- Base Damage 1.25[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +5
- Material: Adamantine
Heroic Elite:
- Acquired by looting from HE VoN6
- Base Damage 1.5[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +5
- Material: Adamantine
Epic Normal:
- Acquired by looting from EN VoN6 or upgrading the Heroic version with a Scroll.
- Base Damage 2.0[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +6
- Material: Adamantine
Epic Hard:
- Acquired by looting from EH VoN6 or upgrading the EN version with a Seal.
- Base Damage 2.25[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +8
- Material: Adamantine
- Colorless Augment Slot
Epic Elite:
- Acquired by looting from EE VoN6, upgrading the EH version with a Shard or clearing the augment slots from a current eSoS*.
- Base Damage 2.5[2d6]
- Threat Range 18-20
- Critical Multiplier x3
- Enhancement Bonus: +10
- Material: Adamantine
- Colorless Augment Slot
- Red Augment Slot
* This means that the current version of the eSoS would probably become ML:22. But, I figure most players won’t even notice.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.