Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
If you have room for one tactic feat, why do you value imp sunder over stunning blow Kinerd ?
I already said I would go for self hjealing ( imho that's the frikkin point of rolling ranger/pally ), but if they choose moar dps, just curious about sunder choice.
Improved Sunder can be helpful against trash and bosses, every other tactical feat only against trash. IS has a self-perpetuating mechanic by targeting and reducing Fort saves, none of the others do. A paladin is a bit behind in raw tactics scores (no enhancements, somewhat lower Strength), making the raw tactics less appealing. That's my reasoning anyway.
Quote Originally Posted by Dolphious
"Requires One of the Following: Combat Expertise,Diehard, Shield Mastery, Tower Shield Proficiency"

You could take expertise (quite nice for twisting Imp. Combat expertise for 20 PRR) instead, or splash fighter and get tower shield prof for free, no need to blow a feat on SM.
Making the Int requirement for CE is no joke, especially on a TWF paladin of all builds. Fighter splash also has costs in no capstone.