I recently came back from a 6 month break (left right after Lords of Dust came out). I had recently capped and semi-geared out my tank, an 18Fighter/2Rogue.

Here's what I'm working with right now:
Human. Rogue 1 and 12, rest fighter.
STR: 39 (16 Base+ 3 Tome + 6 Stance + 6 Item + 5 Levels +2 ENH +1 Exceptional for now)
DEX: 26 (15 Base + 3 Tome + 7 Item + 1 ENH)
CON: 34 (16 Base + 3 Tome + 1 ENH +6 Item + 6 Stance +2 Insightful)
INT: 12 (10 Base + 3 Tome - 1 Brawn's)
WIS: 11 (9 Base + 3 Tome - 1 Brawn's)
CHA: 18 (9 Base + 3 Tome + 6 Item)
Another +2 from ship buffs to all those. I haven't earned my Yugo favor yet, but I will eventually.

1 Sentinel DM
1H Toughness
2F Power Attack
3 Toughness
3F Shield Mastery
5F Hamstring
6 Sentinel DM
7F Dodge
9 Sentinel DM
9F IC: Slash
11F Combat Expertise
12 Toughness
14F iShield Bash
15 Toughness
16F Quick Draw
18 SF: Intim
18F iShield Mastery
20F iSunder
I'm only 20 but planning on:
21 Bulwark of Defense
24 Ability/Tough (depending on even/odd stats and whether I feel I need the HP)

Weapons: E Chimera's Fang(good slotted)/Terror/EEGOF T1/Crafted DR Breaking Greataxes
Shield: Light and Darkness
Armor: Parasitic Breastplate w/ +10 Reflex slotted
Goggles: Lit 2 Cha skills GS
Helm: eChimera's w/ +6 Cha slotted
Necklace: Alchemist's Pendant (+20 HP before I get my 20 shrouds)
Trinket: eBrawn's
Cloak: Trash (currently using a Greater Cold Resistance Cloak)
Belt: Proof Poison +6 GFL
Ring 1: Warchanter's (unslotted, had an empty ring slot)
Ring 2: Epic Buccaneer's (T2)
Gloves: Fabricator's
Boots: Cannith Propulsion
Bracers: Levik's/Tharashk/Solid Fog Clicky/Fabricator's

ENH: Pretty basic and everchanging.

Currently sitting at:
816 HP (@ 20)
88 AC
42 unbuffed reflex save
39 UMD with ship buffs
80ish Intim w/ GH and ship buffs.

Before I left, I had successfully tanked Hard ToD and had semi-successfully tanked N LoB (we completed, but it was a bit rough).

I know a lot of my gear sucks, but what I'm really worried about is the Chimera's Fang/Helm and the Sentinel DM's. That set seems to have crawled into a hole and died. Are those 3 otherwise useless feats and a seems to be dead weapon totally gimping my toon?

Is evasion worth sacrificing PRR and possibly AC (because of the need to wear light armor)?

Is this build salvageable this life (I still have the free +0 LR) or do I need to TR?

One thought that I had was to switch him back to how he was leveling: Kopesh (or maybe dwarven axe) Kensei TWF. Max out Legendary Dreadnaught, get my 4 in GMOF, Max Unyielding. Possibly work over to FOTW. Then TR into a better tank build.

Another would be to use my free heart to LR into basically the above build (sacrificing GWF, which isn't required, because of my 2 rogue levels, and just don't worry about evasion and such.

I've also been hearing that tanks aren't really necessary in a lot of the new content. Is the idea of a tank outdated and unnecessary, to the point where it might be worth it to switch to DPS full time?

I enjoy DPS and tanking about equally, and realize that in some content both are very necessary.

Thoughts, questions, concerns?
