I just hit level 16, and mostly due to a lack of anything interesting dropping I am still using my SOS for a generic beater. Anyone have a suggestion on something that might hit harder?
I just hit level 16, and mostly due to a lack of anything interesting dropping I am still using my SOS for a generic beater. Anyone have a suggestion on something that might hit harder?
My go to pre-epic is holy burst or shocking burst, pure good, with an icy burst kit and a seeker item.
These days a lot of lootgen items can keep up or out pace many named items.
Bloodletting, mauling, desert wind might be worth looking for on the AH and vendors.
ya just about any generic loot thing is going to smoke anything named. Even the GS's are nothing, because you can get the same thing if not better on random gen.
The thing ive been seeing are things like corcusting of smiting and disruption. They make for great beaters on specific things.
Ive even see a 1-12 force dmg with the bleeding and other thing all wrapped in one. Take into account that eventually when risa comes you can also icy burst those and your just golden. Their should be any number of elements and effects going off as you swing anymore.
Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.
Lvl 16 is Vale and Orchard territory. My suggestion is a devil beater (silver + holy + evil outsider bane). Very do-able with crafting levels near 40. Plus they can work well into endgame.
Since you still have undead, Ghost Touch and undead bane on a flametouched weapon, or flaming undead bane kinda nice (disruption is better) or holy and undead bane. Golems in the vale need smiters (constructs) and/or adamatine weapons with vicious or mauling or something. They're tough because they are resistant to just about everything. Something with Chaotic damage helps, though.
Antipan, Pandargon, Pandolin, Panifin, Panmorgan, Pangrael, and all other things "pan-ed"...
SoS is actually quite hard to beat as universal weapon, until epics, unless you need to break DR.
Actually, i prefer a banishing of righteousness or banishing of pure good in the vale at least, works on just about everything out there with bane damage, dr breaking (except for eladrin) & vorpal rolled into one
SoS is a pretty nice beater for anything without DR though, but weapon-wise good choices are brilliance, sun, suns fury & mauling suffixes... basically any of the new multi-effect prefix & suffixes have their uses, and if you can find something with 2 of them (eg. desert sand of mauling, erosive of the sun, etc.) you're laughing - though admittedly finding one of those with a non-epic level requirement would be hard & they'll be expensive on the AH. Still, a burst of lacerating weapon isn't too difficult & pretty effective.
Of named gear, the blade of insanity from that xoriat chain is very good (a +5 2[1d10] greatsword with ML14, drains wisdom) & theres cloudburst if you get lucky with the reaver raid (especially once upgraded with lightning strike) as a couple of things i can think of off the top of my head
Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 11-27-2012 at 03:34 AM.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
I made a min2. Falchion or Gaxe depending on preference I suspect. It's the ultimate lazyass DR breaking hit anything weapon til you get something better. Although nowadays I never use my min2. It just gathers dust unless I can be bothered to swap it in on the abishai devastator when he's the right element. In fact, the only shroud weapon I still occasionally use is a triple pos maul - best buy vs skellies and liches. If you make one of those, consider putting 30% healing amp on the third tier instead of good blast.
It's a game. GAME! Only a game. say it with me now - GAME. There. That's better.