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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Things to have for TR

    I'm getting the itch to TR my 1st ever epic char so while I'm out farming the tokens needed for my heart it occurred to me that there a lots of things that make a second life+ char easier to level but aside from a couple of obvious things like shroud hp item and weapon, some decent crafted gear etc I can't think of other things. So I realize this will vary person to person but what are things you guys rate highly for having on a TR?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    For a melee (wich I assume from your post) I'd say these are the most important:

    A low level undead beater
    Possibly a high level undead beater (3x positive GS maul)
    A raise dead clicky (the maul above will do the trick)
    Planar gird is really nice to have
    An ML 1 armor of invulnerability
    Relevant clean +6 stat items (con, str, possibly dex/wis/cha)
    Unsupressed pale lavender ioun stone
    Ghost touch (ethereal bracers, spectral gloves, phase hammer, random loot gen/crafted - You don't want to miss 50% when doing shadow crypt)
    A marut beat (von 3)
    A low level general purpose DPS weapon or 2 depending on your fighting style
    A greensteel weapon or 2
    Greensteel accessory

    You don't NEED any of the above, but all them will make your ride to 20 that much more enjoyable.
    -The mash on Argo
    In Soviet Russia Shroud trust in YOU!

  3. #3
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Carnifex,Voice,Bracers of the wind from house c challenges(Blurry at lvl 4),Cove trinkets if you have them,Mabar cloak is also nice,has deathblock on lvl 12 if you dont have it anywhere else.
    Phiarlan pendant of time if you have the packs to get favor.
    Last edited by Ivan_Milic; 11-24-2012 at 05:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member KainLionheart's Avatar
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    This post is usually very helpful before TRing. Ive TR'd a few times but I always check the list before I do just in case I forgot something.

    Good luck
    Level 20 commoner.

  5. #5
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    how exhausting, thanks all for the input. Wind bracers is definitely something I didn't think of, but I do seem to have the "critical" stuff at this point which is nice, takes some pressure off if the itch gets worse so I don't feel obligated to grind to death

  6. #6
    Community Member Hawklynn's Avatar
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    Yes, can be Exhausting. But the good news is once you get all the things you need for your first TR (low level items), they "usually" can be used in future TRs.

    I made a spreadsheet with the items I would equip/need for each Level. Once I filled in the items I needed to farm/craft, I got them all and had them ready in my bank. And since they were marked for each level in my spreadsheet, I found my leveling was fast and very fun (since I had appropriate strong gear for each level). This was because I knew what to equip and what items to grab from my TR bank as I leveled up.

    And its a learning process. Each TR you will discover new things to get that you wish you had done last life. I purchased more bank inventory space going into 3rd life, got my crafting levels high enough to make top level gear going into 4th life, cleansed many GS items going into 5th life ... it continues.
    Kiss My Khopes and Bow to my Bow
    Firekragg Red / Windkragg Red of Sarlona

  7. #7
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Couple of tougher to get these days items but are nice leviks bracers (20% healing amp and +6 str at level13) and madstone boots(great when you know incoming healing is good)

  8. #8
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    The Siren's set from Fens is pretty great for melee TRs and is easy to acquire.

    Level 12 and 16 Ring of the Stalker is the best thing you can challenge craft for a TR melee.

  9. #9
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    If you have the favor to get them, and your next life can support the stats to use them, silver flame pots are fantastic for builds that are not innately self-sufficient. Other than that, make sure you fully stock up on all consumables you like to use (potions, scrolls, thieves tools for a trapper, arrows/bolts for ranged, etc.) I am also fond of the death ward goggles from tangleroot, and the abishai gear is very good if you aren't into cannith crafting.

  10. #10
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    GS clickies made of smalls and mediums. 2 charges of displacement for 1.6 minutes each. You WILL be near indestructible leveling.

    And aside from a lit 2 or something, prolly some lv 4 weapon with holy and icy bursted from risa. I think I remember making a repeater with shock of pure good and icy bursting it at lv 4. Then tacking on another element and just pimpslapping everything.

    Tod stuff, and at least 20 runs of shroud.

    And of course cash. Store cash in commodity. Store up large shroud ingredients. Red, black white blue green scales. All of that. The one thing I spend tons of cash on is pots. I buy all my new tr'd alts stacks of pots. Heroism, barkskin, HASTE (note GS haste clickies and Stoneskin clickies are very nice as well) poison, curse. And if your a barb TONS of cure serious pots. Otherwise my alts get the cure serious then cure critical wands.

    And in the course of running 4 or 5 dungeons those 100 pots vanish quick. So back to the guild vendor for another stack for 7k or so plat.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  11. #11
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    I also like level 8 frozen tunic with master craftsmanship and invulnerability for the freezing ice proc on a melee.

    If you have a crafter and don't mind blowing mats lots of things will find their way into your inventory, like a marut beater, a whisperdoom beater, bane arrows, etc. Crafted ML1 feather fall item and ML1 detect secret doors item are very nice. If TWF next life make sure to make a pair of water khopesh's level 12. Unsuppressed vibrant purple ioun stone for casters (someone mentioned pale lavender already). Many good challenge items at level 14 (16 +master craftsmanship) like wind bracers (dodge + blurry + air guard), boots (earth grab + stone prison guards), stalker ring (seeker + manslayer + ethereal + ex SA). Cove trinkets of course, but if you don't have them already you're stuck waiting on a return of CC. I found a crafted SR item for each level to be invaluable on my melee toon (caps at SR 20 unfortunately). Someone mentioned carnifex and voice.

  12. #12
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    kundarak delving boots - permanent fom since level 9
    life shield (armor type) of invulnerability
    shield clicky x3/5 now that it lasts 5 minutes it's great protection from magic missiles
    invisibility clicky
    planar gird is nice
    neg levels/beholder protection items (silver flame amulet, beholder optic nerves, eye of the beholder)
    carnifex - even if planning to be twf

  13. #13
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Since there are like almost no really good cloaks, I recommend a Mantle of the World Shaper

  14. #14
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    The #1 twink item I'd recommend for any class is an unsuppressed Pale Lavender Ioun Stone.

    It's great for Beholders, and also neutralizes a few of the "roll a 1 and you might die" boss situations while levelling. e.g. Von 2 elf lady and the end boss of Offering of Blood.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

  15. #15
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    If you're solo'ing a lot, grab a stack of the CC air elemental gems. They keep mobs knocked down on their arses in everything through about Gianthold and will save you time running through mid-level quests that you have to get through lots of mobs.

  16. #16


    at least try to get
    -lv 4 bracers of wind for the 20% concealment
    -If you are melee you can go for bodyfeeder and/or lifeshield to reduce the necesity for heals
    -Planar gird for Greater Heroism, adds +4 to all the important things.
    -Silver flame amulet or Beholder optics nerves to absorb some really bad spells from beholders/death casters

    things that aren't necesary but still very nice to have
    - Royal Guard mask - free teleport, regardless of your class. makes it easy to teleport directly back to acity if you are in a quest or on amrath/reavers refugee
    - any res clickie - greensteel works, if you are good aligned you can also get ring of the ancestors.

    Look at challenge rewards and see if there is anything you like for your level.
    Bold trinket can be great at level 4
    the flame cape is pretty good as well, especially at higher levels
    at level 16 it adds +2ac and +15% fire absorption, but the fun part is that there is a 10% upon getting hit that you will proc. fire shield: hot, when this is active any non-fire monster that hits you takes damage when they hit you, you only receive 50% cold damage and you are immune to web entanglements.

    Another nice thing with challenge gear is that at tier 3 you can potentially reduce the requirement for your equipment by two levels, starting at level 8 equipment. So instead of lvl 8, 12, 16 you can wear that stuff at lvl 6, 10, 14 if you go through the effort for it.

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