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  1. #1
    Community Member obscure.jester's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Horc Dark Monk AC/dodge build without dps nerfing

    going on my 3rd life on this toon, i planned to get a monk. since i still have plenty of btc gear from pally first life and some useful stuff from barbarian second life, i was intrigued by a defensive build which can swap between trash beater and main tank. despite a light monk would better fit the archetype, i rather stick with dark monk for shadowfade and touch of death, better fitting my playstile. need some feedback from you before i undergo the TR process eventually.

    race: horc
    helpful STR boost - useful hate boost enhancement - cool look

    allignment: lawful neutral
    less dmg from unholy sources - no problem with tainted items

    past life: pally, barbarian
    nice insightful heal amp and more hp via past life feat, also enabling racial toughness line enhancement.

    build (36p)
    STR 16 (19)
    DEX 15 (18)
    CON 16 (19)
    INT 10 (13)
    WIS 15 (17)
    CHA 6 (8)

    tomes: all +3 except WIS and CHA +2 (working atm on a wis +3 and all the +4 i can get)

    ending unbuffed stats without EDs:
    STR 30
    DEX 27
    CON 30 (34 in stance)
    INT 13
    WIS 36
    CHA 8

    ability increase:
    lev 4, 8, 12 into WIS
    lev 16, 20 into CON
    lev 24 into WIS

    path: dark
    touch of death for dps and trashkiller - ninja spy for shadowfade (dodge bonus for tanking) and waterstride (abbot)

    1) 2wf, dodge
    2) mobility
    3) past life: berserker fury, dark monk path
    6) spring attack, stunning fist
    9) imp 2wf
    12) combat expertise
    15) whirlwind attack
    18) greater 2wf
    21) epic toughness
    24) undecided yet (thinking about imp crit blunt or bulwark of defense or imp martial arts)

    horc STR I and II
    monk WIS I, II, III
    monk imp recovery I, II
    ninja spy I, II (+ prerequisutes)
    grandmaster of mountain
    touch of death (+ prerequisites)
    monk capstone
    racial toughness I, II
    horc brutish fighting I, II, III, IV
    way of tortoise I, II, III, IV

    gear at lev 20+
    head: crystal cove hat (nat armor +5, intim +15)
    trinket: greater nimble (permablur, dodge 1%, +1 attack)
    goggles: GS minII (+45 hp, protection +5, heavy fort)
    neck: epic grim (STR +7, dodge 3%, greater false life slotted)
    armor: spiderspun (have to decide which version yet, dex or wis and base or insightful. probably wis +8)
    bracers: epic claw / villagers bracers (+7 wis, +2 ins CON) / shield clicky
    gloves: epic claw / epic brawling gloves
    cloak: epic cloak of night (dodge 2%, ghostly, dblock, DR 5/good)
    belt: villagers belt (+7 CON, +2 ins WIS)
    ring1: seal of dun'robar (dodge 4%, ins STR +2, tendon slice 10%)
    ring2: seal of avithoul (DEX +7 or +2 ins, sneak line) / ToD ring with 20% heal amp slotted
    boots: cannith / madstone / boots of the woodsman

    wraps: need hints here, have some metalline of [uselessness] / silver of [something] and i dont wanna lose sleep over shadow crypt farming. have an epic staff of naat gann tho. still, pls help.

    hp lev20 unbuffed: 645 (685 in stance, around 750 at lev 21).
    AC standing unbuffed: 10 base +9 dex, +13 wis, +15 centered, +9 armor, +5 deflection, +5 natural = 66
    AC standing unbuffed in stance: 65 +20% stance +10% CE = 85/86 (+4 if bulwark of defense and +4 shield clicky 5 mins 3x rest)
    permanent dodge standing: 25% +20% blurry +10% ghostly = 46% (0.75*0.8*0.9)

    overall review:
    a decent 90/100 AC without considering EDs boosts (sentinel, shadowdancer, grandmaster)
    a very nice 50ish% permadodge, boostable further via shadowfade and EDs
    permanent shadowfade while fighting due to high ki generation
    good HP
    very high stun DC
    decent dps
    easy glancing blows on touch of death
    hate generation +70% from stance, +25% from horc, +20% from eclaw set
    high survivability and versatility
    whirlwind attack hitting 4 times each + glancings in 360' with 4[W] (a blast when surrounded)

    not the ultimate monk build but fits my playstyle and fun to play. what would you suggest me to improve the build?
    Last edited by obscure.jester; 11-22-2012 at 04:21 PM.
    I fail better than anyone else

  2. #2
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Last time I heard barb past life doesnt qualify you for epic toughness. Also with destinies and in earth stance that 50hp isn't that hot. IMA and vorpal strikes are better options.

  3. #3
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alternative View Post
    Last time I heard barb past life doesnt qualify you for epic toughness.
    Ouch!!!! Can anyone confirm this since i am interested too?
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phemt81 View Post
    Ouch!!!! Can anyone confirm this since i am interested too?
    According to the wiki, the barb past life grants access to the racial and class based toughness enhancements specifically, it does not say that it counts as taking the toughness feat. epic toughness requires specifically the toughness feat. Given this information, it is a fair assumption that the barb past life does NOT qualify one for epic toughness. That said, this is turbine, so actual in game verification would still be beneficial.

  5. #5
    Community Member obscure.jester's Avatar
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    he is right, no epic toughness if taking past life barb feat. well, im happier then, will surely take IMA and will spend those 2 CON lev ups into WIS instead to increase further AC, saves, ki and stun DC since i wont longer need 21 CON base.

    so, after first feedbacks im keen to renounce to epic toughness and get bulwark of defense at 21 and improved martial arts at 24.
    then lev ups 16 and 20 wont longer go into CON but will go into WIS. im also thinking they can both go into STR actually if stun DC will be high enough for epic elites.
    my concern is actually EE LoB and i think for that single raid it will be a good move for me to use paladin ED in order to boost HP, DR, AC and PR.
    the stance will also prove useful eventually, reducing as possible LoB's huge damage when a strike lands over my dodge%.
    on a 700ish hp build, with pally ED i should probably reach 900ish, which is a safer amount in order to get healed in time if LoB lands 2 or 3 quick hits.
    most important thing, i have to see if i am able to twist meld into the darkness from shadowdancer ED in order to get a permanent boost on dodge (meld's cooldown is 2 minutes, shadowfade lasts for 60 seconds thus i should be able to go like meld, fade1, fade2, meld and so on).
    Last edited by obscure.jester; 11-22-2012 at 09:40 PM.
    I fail better than anyone else

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