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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Is this a viable build? (34 pt)

    Monk 20
    Male Dwarf - Lawful Good
    BUILD ID: 34286

    Character Generated Using: DDO Character Generator
    Direct Link to Build:
    Monk 20
    Male Dwarf - Lawful Good
    Wizard (1)
    LEVEL 1
    Race Selected: Male Dwarf
    Alignment Selected: Lawful Good
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 1)
    Abilities Raised: STR: 16, DEX: 15, CON: 16, WIS: 16
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +4 (4), Diplomacy +4 (4),
    Spot +3 (3), Tumble +1 (1)
    Feats Selected: Sap, Dodge
    LEVEL 2:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (5), Diplomacy +1 (5),
    Spot +1 (4)
    Feats Selected: Stunning Fist
    LEVEL 3:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 3)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (6), Diplomacy +1 (6),
    Spot +1 (5)
    Feats Selected: Power Attack, Path of Inevitable Dominion
    Tomes Applied: STR: +1, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: +1,
    WIS: +1, CHA: +1
    LEVEL 4:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 4)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 18
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (7), Diplomacy +1 (7),
    Spot +1 (6)
    LEVEL 5:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 5)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (8), Diplomacy +1 (8),
    Spot +1 (7)
    LEVEL 6:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 6)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (9), Diplomacy +1 (9),
    Spot +1 (8)
    Feats Selected: Two Weapon Fighting, Toughness
    LEVEL 7:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 7)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (10),
    Diplomacy +1 (10), Spot +1 (9)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2,
    WIS: +2, CHA: +2
    LEVEL 8:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 8)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 20
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (11),
    Diplomacy +1 (11), Spot +2 (11)
    LEVEL 9:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 9)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (12),
    Diplomacy +1 (12), Haggle +0.5 (0.5), Spot +1 (12)
    Feats Selected: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    LEVEL 10:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 10)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (13),
    Diplomacy +1 (13), Haggle +0.5 (1), Spot +1 (13)
    LEVEL 11:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 11)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (14),
    Diplomacy +1 (14), Haggle +0.5 (1.5), Spot +1 (14)
    Tomes Applied: STR: +3, DEX: +3, INT: +3, WIS: +3
    LEVEL 12:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 12)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 22
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (15),
    Diplomacy +1 (15), Haggle +0.5 (2), Spot +1 (15)
    Feats Selected: Improved Critical (Bludgeoning)
    LEVEL 13:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 13)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (16),
    Diplomacy +1 (16), Haggle +0.5 (2.5), Spot +1 (16)
    LEVEL 14:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 14)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (17),
    Diplomacy +1 (17), Haggle +0.5 (3), Spot +1 (17)
    LEVEL 15:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 15)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (18),
    Diplomacy +1 (18), Haggle +0.5 (3.5), Spot +1 (18)
    Feats Selected: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    LEVEL 16:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 16)
    Abilities Raised: WIS: 23
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (19),
    Diplomacy +1 (19), Haggle +0.5 (4), Spot +1 (19)
    LEVEL 17:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 17)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (20),
    Diplomacy +1 (20), Haggle +0.5 (4.5), Spot +1 (20)
    LEVEL 18:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 18)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (21),
    Diplomacy +1 (21), Haggle +0.5 (5), Spot +1 (21)
    Feats Selected: Skill Focus (Concentration)
    LEVEL 19:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 19)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (22),
    Diplomacy +1 (22), Haggle +0.5 (5.5), Spot +1 (22)
    LEVEL 20:
    Class Selected: Monk (Monk 20)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 19
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (23),
    Diplomacy +1 (23), Haggle +0.5 (6), Spot +1 (23)
    Equipment Mods Changed To: HP: 75, STR: 9, CON: 9,
    WIS: 9, CHA: 9, Balance: 13, Concentration: 21, Diplomacy: 13,
    Jump: 15, Spot: 20
    Enhancements Selected: Improved Jump I, Improved Tumble I,
    Monk Wisdom I, Way of the Patient Tortoise I, Void Strike I,
    Improved Concentration I, Monk Improved Recovery I,
    Racial Toughness I, Dwarven Constitution I, Improved Jump II,
    Improved Tumble II, Improved Concentration II, Way of the Patient Tortoise II,
    Monk Wisdom II, Winters Touch, Monk Ninja Spy I, Racial Toughness II,
    Racial Toughness III, Monk Wisdom III, Improved Concentration III,
    Adept of Wind, Adept of Flame, Master of Thunder, Master of Bonfires,
    Dwarven Constitution II, Void Strike II, Racial Toughness IV,
    Improved Concentration IV, Way of the Patient Tortoise III,
    Monk Ninja Spy II, Grandmaster of the Sun, Grandmaster of Storms,
    Way of the Patient Tortoise IV, Monk Serenity, Improved Spot I
    Stats at End of Level 20:
    HP:507 SP:0 AC:28 FORT:22 REFL:16 WILL:25 BAB:+15/+15/+20/+25
    STR:28(+9) DEX:18(+4) CON:30(+10) INT:11(0) WIS:37(+13) CHA:17(+3)
    Balance:25, Bluff:3, Concentration:75, Diplomacy:39,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:9, Heal:13, Hide:8, Intimidate:3,
    Jump:26, Listen:13, Move Silently:8, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:0, Search:0, Spot:57, Swim:9, Tumble:7, UMD: n/a

    Enhancements are a basic idea of what I want on it, and subject to a LOT of change. For example, I'm not sure if I want to take Patient Tortoise or Clever Monkey, but I selected Tortoise for now. There is some other weirdness based on what I'm gearing (using Wis from Clerics of Amanautor instead of Sun Soul set, as next life I'm going Cleric, and I'm taking PDK helm/gloves because that's what my current toon has). It doesn't show, but I'm getting Vorpal Strikes as my level 21 feat.
    Last edited by Merlin-ator; 11-17-2012 at 06:05 PM. Reason: Forgot +6 GS concentration and GFL

  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    You definitely don't want SF: Concentration. Anything would be better, even another Toughness, but I would pick from Improved Sunder, Precision, Stunning Blow, Mobility.

    Enhancement wise I would drop...
    -All the Fire stance. Using Fire stance is fine, but you get very little return for spending AP on it.
    -A lot of HP stuff. In Tortoise and Toughness 4 you're spending 8 AP on 15 HP, that's not the ticket.

    Enhancements I would pick up...
    -Touch of Death! Why even be a dark monk if you don't pick it up?
    -Moar Healing Amp. The second tier at the very least.

    That's a lot of volatility so let's see how that shakes out before we do any more tweaks.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Enhancement wise I would drop...
    -All the Fire stance. Using Fire stance is fine, but you get very little return for spending AP on it.
    -A lot of HP stuff. In Tortoise and Toughness 4 you're spending 8 AP on 15 HP, that's not the ticket.

    Enhancements I would pick up...
    -Touch of Death! Why even be a dark monk if you don't pick it up?
    Oops. I thought Touch of Death was Ninja Spy autogrant :/ Which other stance do you recommend then? I have air for alacrity, but I kind of built this guy for Grandmaster of Fire. Mountain seems silly as tanking monks are pretty much useless now, and GMoW doesn't seem to add enough to justify the AP cost.

  4. #4
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    grand master of fire is a total waste of AP.

    you're spending 9ap for +2 str which only = +1 damage / to hit per swing.

    for free you get

    Lesser Sun Stance: The consuming flame focuses on an aggressive offense. Lesser Sun Stance grants +2 Strength at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Lesser Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 2 ki.'
    for an extra 9AP it's upgraded to

    Ultimate Sun Stance: The consuming flame focuses on an aggressive offense. Ultimate Sun Stance grants +4 Strength at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Ultimate Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 5 ki.'

    that extra 3ki per crit isn't worth 9ap either, stick with lesser sun stance, which is auto granted free at level 1.

  5. #5
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Even if you don't use Mountain stance, the strikes by definition work on everything. Especially as a damage-focused monk, this is nice.

    The other side is you don't have to have any stance GMed but Wind. Dwarves have a Tactics enhancement that soups up your Stunning Fist and Stunning Blow as well as a Spell Defense enhancement that soups up your saves, and even as a monk you can always use more saves.

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