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  1. #21
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I havent logged on in months. I probably wont log on ever again. I still check the forums, not to watch the game burn down, but simply because people here still amuse me. I honestly couldnt care less what happens in the game anymore, it would be too little to late, they have already lost me.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  2. #22
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    I log in once a month now to say hi with zero desire to play the game now. Just has become to much of a repetitive grindfest for me. It's kind of reminiscent of the CIA torture method in Waco where they just played the same music over and over until the Waco Wackos burned themselves up.

  3. #23
    Founder & Hero
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    Havent had time to play much lately but don't like a lot of what I am hearing but proably not going anywhere still have nearly a year on my sub and there are no games out there that even interest me mildly MMO or otherwise besides ddo that is if I manage to move somewhere with a good pnp group for hackmaster or aces and eights I would give up playing though.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #24
    Community Member blkcat1028's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Actually, I would take it as: I can't bring myself to play the game, because something about it bothers me enough. However, I am still holding out hope that some great news will hit the forums that will change my mind on it.
    Waiting for GOOD news to hit the forums? Good luck. As another post pointed out, if you say something positive about the game all you get is ridiculed. It happens all the time.

    The forums represent a very small portion of the player base.

    If you want to see what's really happening, quit the forums and play the game. That's the only way you will ever know the truth.
    "You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong

  5. #25
    Community Member Hordo's Avatar
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    There is no hope for you all to come back to DDO... give me your stuffz!

    You can PM the details and rest assured your toons will be pillaged like they were drunken sorority chicks at a soon-to-be-nationally-banned frat party.
    -Khyber- Loreseekers, Guild Leader
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  6. #26
    Community Member khangharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    LW_GG has it about right. mind if any new players read the forums its no wonder they dont hang around.
    If a player says something positive about the game then they are accused of sucking up. If they slate the game , in the name of "being realistic" then they are considered to be mature. What the f***? This game has problems. All games have problems. Some of those problems are real, some are non-problems because they simply dont do what certain players want them to do.
    Coding a game like this that has existed for a long time ( in game terms) means constantly dealing with old code that may have been written so far back that all the ramifications of a given change may well not be obvious until that modified code is unleashed into the wild. That and the said code may well have been produced by a person whose skills may not have been of the highest order at that time. Teams that produce this game have changed over the years, and bits have been tacked on here and there. In an ideal world this would not happen and we would be playing a game that was simply and infinitely expandable and upgradeable, which would therefore not have glitches and snags. Anybody living there yet? In the main and for the majority of players this game runs pretty well, there will always be moaners,whingers and whiners. Sometimes they will have a valid point, but the nature of humans is that it is easier to moan about something, and in a forum this tends to be a trend,because it is easy to join in on, and the original post becomes a dooooooom and gloom post.
    Do folks not see that if a new player reads this Gloom and Doom stuff it has the effect that they will run a mile to some other game leaving this game the weaker for it? This game needs new blood, to keep it going for all of us. Dont live in cloud cuckoo land where the game is perfect, but try to be more positive about what goes on . Yes it would be good if DDO could be rewritten to DDOv2 with all new code, it may well be in the pipeline, but please dont
    post so much gloom about something we all want to keep playing under the guise of being " concerned"about the game .

    Rant Off
    Sir, very well said.

    This basically sums up most of my thoughts. Seriously, most of the bugs in this game can be worked around really easily and the worst bugs have all been pretty well fixed. There are, however, some very notable exceptions to this rule...

    What really makes me angry is when someone screws up (like the destiny reset move where one reset costed over 150k or the ship buff wipes that took away hard-earned buffs) and then gives nothing (or next to nothing) to compensate for it and leaves the players to just deal with it and dump the 500k plat on respecs. Seriously, we were compensated with 3 free looms of destiny. To last a month.

    To any turbine dev reading this thread, I ask you this: if players, the customers that pay for this game, are treated in a way that makes them feel like our subscriptions are an absolute joke and that bugs like these can get tossed into the world, screw up our gametime and then get left there for months on end do you expect them to suck it up and stay? When a company treats their product like a joke, so do those who buy it.

    Last time I quit playing for a year because of the stupid repeater bug that made heavy repeaters unplayable. This bug took ages to fix and lasted several years. Me? I just love the world of ddo, I think it's the most amazing fantasy setting any game could possibly be set in.

    But for the record, not every person who leaves an MMO gives it a second chance. Always make the first impression count, and then follow through.
    Athrenn - WF Artificer - Khyber

  7. #27
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Some men just wanna watch games burn! ;-)
    It was some time since i log in, but im thinking more of it as a break, sometimes droping in on forum to check if there is anything good going on, to inspire me to play again. But it seems i need to wait for enhancement pass for that.
    The reason why i stop playing is not the bugs, but repeticion, and fact that repeticion is not even so much fun in this game.

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