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  1. #1
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Default Who here has given up on DDO, but....

    Who here has given up on DDO, but will stay on the forums just to watch it burn down?

    I haven't logged in to play in a while, but I still frequent the forums.

    U16 has angered many people. There are so many bugs....
    GMs are even less helpful than before.
    I feel like paying money for this is like buying a new just know it is not going to be supported by its parent company much longer.
    MOTU=Pontiac Aztec

    Anyway, lotsa established vets are angered and seem to be voting with their pocket book.
    Anyway I predict things to get kinda super cheap soon (like 60$ for a year sub)...and then game turns off soon after that.

    Plan of Action so far:
    Canceled subscription. Thinking about deleting the game from hard drive (but that is not really necessary).
    Still checking on forums...
    Hoping an announcement/apology is made and things get fixed...
    If not...
    Watch it burn to the ground.

    Who here has given up on DDO, but still plans to watch it unfold via the forums?
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    One quick thing...

    I just want Turbine just to get this stuff fixed.

    DDO is THE BEST MMO out there IMHO.

    I just hope they can fix the problems and maybe move a little bit away from the P2W thing and all that. Also fix the bugs.

    I have taken multiple breaks from the game, but I come back because I like the game a whole lot.

    I guess this is more of a Plea to make things right....or maybe I am just seeking confirmation that all of their most recent moves were intentional and I should just move on.

    Dang this feels like a stupid high school relationship where you treat each other horribly but keep getting back together because you are codependent.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  3. #3


    DDO wont die from bugs. It will die from lack of enough new content. So far, I believe MotU has actually saved subs and brought old veteran players back. The bugs tend to **** off folks like us, the long time players. However, it's been a net positive for our guild, and a net positive I believe for DDO overall. Forgotten Realms, Epic destinies and newer prefixes/suffixes gear are huge plusses that make it less necessary to run the same raids over and over again, or any specific quest for that matter.

    However what I have seen is less new blood. The influx of new players just seems down, way down.

    "New" games like Guild Wars II, the upcoming Neverwinter and Elder Scrolls titles will really put an even tighter squeeze on DDO.

    But yes the shear number of bugs are very, very aggravating, I'll agree there. It would certainly be in Turbine's best interests to spend some extra time on fixing bugs... I think the great majority of us long time players would be beyond grateful.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 11-14-2012 at 08:28 AM.

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  4. #4
    Community Member Willibold's Avatar
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    LW_GG has it about right. mind if any new players read the forums its no wonder they dont hang around.
    If a player says something positive about the game then they are accused of sucking up. If they slate the game , in the name of "being realistic" then they are considered to be mature. What the f***? This game has problems. All games have problems. Some of those problems are real, some are non-problems because they simply dont do what certain players want them to do.
    Coding a game like this that has existed for a long time ( in game terms) means constantly dealing with old code that may have been written so far back that all the ramifications of a given change may well not be obvious until that modified code is unleashed into the wild. That and the said code may well have been produced by a person whose skills may not have been of the highest order at that time. Teams that produce this game have changed over the years, and bits have been tacked on here and there. In an ideal world this would not happen and we would be playing a game that was simply and infinitely expandable and upgradeable, which would therefore not have glitches and snags. Anybody living there yet? In the main and for the majority of players this game runs pretty well, there will always be moaners,whingers and whiners. Sometimes they will have a valid point, but the nature of humans is that it is easier to moan about something, and in a forum this tends to be a trend,because it is easy to join in on, and the original post becomes a dooooooom and gloom post.
    Do folks not see that if a new player reads this Gloom and Doom stuff it has the effect that they will run a mile to some other game leaving this game the weaker for it? This game needs new blood, to keep it going for all of us. Dont live in cloud cuckoo land where the game is perfect, but try to be more positive about what goes on . Yes it would be good if DDO could be rewritten to DDOv2 with all new code, it may well be in the pipeline, but please dont
    post so much gloom about something we all want to keep playing under the guise of being " concerned"about the game .

    Rant Off
    Willibold,Hesteban,Tooflower,Commabayou,Skummspawn ,Machiavehlli,,and Dramoh.
    Look out for them in-game.Tyrs Paladium on the big G ftw

  5. #5
    Community Member Jerren's Avatar
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    IMHO DDO is the best Fantasy MMORPG based on the D&D system, it's just too bad that Turbine was the company given the rights to it. When it first came out it was absolutely awesome and I couldn't tell enough people about it. Anymore though it has fallen into a very sad state and most of that has to do with Turbines lack of concern for its customers. Now to address your post:

    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    LW_GG has it about right. mind if any new players read the forums its no wonder they dont hang around.
    I imagine most new players only come to the forums to try and find out why DDO does not run too well on their system, hoping that there is something that they can tweak or update on their system to make it run better. The fact that the dndclient.exe continually consumes more and more memory until the game is so laggy that you have to restart it or causes the client to crash (read forceful restart) is part of the problem and this problem is completely ignored/discounted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    If a player says something positive about the game then they are accused of sucking up.
    Sorry but if you had been playing the game since the beginning, had to reroll countless characters because Turbine decided to nerf something that made your character completely unplayable without offering any way to respec and wasted months of playing time then you might feel differently. Truthfully most of the time I chalk it up to not knowing any better but sometimes when I read posts about what a good job Turbine is doing etc... I really have to wonder if the poster is not a company lackey trying to minimize damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    Coding a game like this that has existed for a long time ( in game terms) means constantly dealing with old code that may have been written so far back that all the ramifications of a given change may well not be obvious until that modified code is unleashed into the wild.
    Ever heard of QA? Past experience has proven that we the players are apparently Turbine's QA department and we have to pay for that privilege. Even when we report bugs rarely are they fixed unless they are so bad that they make the game unplayable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    Do folks not see that if a new player reads this Gloom and Doom stuff it has the effect that they will run a mile to some other game leaving this game the weaker for it? This game needs new blood, to keep it going for all of us.
    You know your right, we need MORE people posting in the forums about the problems with the game so maybe, just maybe Turbine will finally listen. Truth is Turbine will never listen until their pocketbook is affected. Oh wait almost forgot what company we were talking about here. Anyone remember Asheron's Call?

    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    Dont live in cloud cuckoo land where the game is perfect, but try to be more positive about what goes on . Yes it would be good if DDO could be rewritten to DDOv2 with all new code, it may well be in the pipeline, but please dont
    post so much gloom about something we all want to keep playing under the guise of being "concerned" about the game.
    I would like to see a DDOv2 if I didn't have to pay for it. I purchased 3 copies of DDO when it came out and subscribed for 3 years before it went F2P and all these new players that you are talking about get to play what I paid $150 for. Oh but if you are a subscriber you will get all updated content free where F2P will have to purchase it, but this update is actually an expansion pack and you have to buy that.

    Yes I am a little bitter, mostly because nothing Turbine says can be trusted. Everything is subject to change! Will I stop playing and just troll the forums? Probably not but at the same time I will never spend another penny on a Turbine product.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    That and the said code may well have been produced by a person whose skills may not have been of the highest order at that time.
    DDO was coded and compiled by a group of computer genuises from brown university. Look at all the good parts of this game over the years(not the recent years full of garbage). It was FAR advanced of what was released years ago.

  7. #7
    Community Member khangharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willibold View Post
    LW_GG has it about right. mind if any new players read the forums its no wonder they dont hang around.
    If a player says something positive about the game then they are accused of sucking up. If they slate the game , in the name of "being realistic" then they are considered to be mature. What the f***? This game has problems. All games have problems. Some of those problems are real, some are non-problems because they simply dont do what certain players want them to do.
    Coding a game like this that has existed for a long time ( in game terms) means constantly dealing with old code that may have been written so far back that all the ramifications of a given change may well not be obvious until that modified code is unleashed into the wild. That and the said code may well have been produced by a person whose skills may not have been of the highest order at that time. Teams that produce this game have changed over the years, and bits have been tacked on here and there. In an ideal world this would not happen and we would be playing a game that was simply and infinitely expandable and upgradeable, which would therefore not have glitches and snags. Anybody living there yet? In the main and for the majority of players this game runs pretty well, there will always be moaners,whingers and whiners. Sometimes they will have a valid point, but the nature of humans is that it is easier to moan about something, and in a forum this tends to be a trend,because it is easy to join in on, and the original post becomes a dooooooom and gloom post.
    Do folks not see that if a new player reads this Gloom and Doom stuff it has the effect that they will run a mile to some other game leaving this game the weaker for it? This game needs new blood, to keep it going for all of us. Dont live in cloud cuckoo land where the game is perfect, but try to be more positive about what goes on . Yes it would be good if DDO could be rewritten to DDOv2 with all new code, it may well be in the pipeline, but please dont
    post so much gloom about something we all want to keep playing under the guise of being " concerned"about the game .

    Rant Off
    Sir, very well said.

    This basically sums up most of my thoughts. Seriously, most of the bugs in this game can be worked around really easily and the worst bugs have all been pretty well fixed. There are, however, some very notable exceptions to this rule...

    What really makes me angry is when someone screws up (like the destiny reset move where one reset costed over 150k or the ship buff wipes that took away hard-earned buffs) and then gives nothing (or next to nothing) to compensate for it and leaves the players to just deal with it and dump the 500k plat on respecs. Seriously, we were compensated with 3 free looms of destiny. To last a month.

    To any turbine dev reading this thread, I ask you this: if players, the customers that pay for this game, are treated in a way that makes them feel like our subscriptions are an absolute joke and that bugs like these can get tossed into the world, screw up our gametime and then get left there for months on end do you expect them to suck it up and stay? When a company treats their product like a joke, so do those who buy it.

    Last time I quit playing for a year because of the stupid repeater bug that made heavy repeaters unplayable. This bug took ages to fix and lasted several years. Me? I just love the world of ddo, I think it's the most amazing fantasy setting any game could possibly be set in.

    But for the record, not every person who leaves an MMO gives it a second chance. Always make the first impression count, and then follow through.
    Athrenn - WF Artificer - Khyber

  8. #8
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    I haven't given up on DDO, but I'm not playing it as much as I used to. I'm hoping the revised Enhancement system will help respark my interest in the game. Until the new system comes out though, I'm finding other things to do with my time.

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    If I ever got to the point where I couldn't bear to play DDO anymore then there's absolutely no way I'd be on the forums either!

    Seriously - Last week Bacab you were making threads saying that you'd come back to the game after a break {} - Now you're saying you don't play the game!
    Which is it?

    This latest update has peed me off - I'm not happy with things as they are BUT I'm still PLAYING the GAME!

    Hopefully bugs like Mobs getting stuck in the ceiling will be patched quickly - This is the sort of thing that will stop me questing.
    Hopefully the devs will listen to us about advertising - This is the main reason {the only reason} why I still watch the BBC after all {the only TV station in the UK with no d@rn adverts!}.
    Hopefully the Devs will concentrate on getting rid of bugs and actually making the quality of life better in the game {and I'm not talking about adding hairdyes to quest rewards!}.
    Hopefully the Devs will listen to us about old named items and make them worth the effort!
    Hopefully we'll get just enough new content to keep the power-gamers happy!
    Hopefully DDO will still be around in 10 years time and Hopefully I'll still be around to play it!

  10. #10
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    If I ever got to the point where I couldn't bear to play DDO anymore then there's absolutely no way I'd be on the forums either!

    Seriously - Last week Bacab you were making threads saying that you'd come back to the game after a break {} - Now you're saying you don't play the game!
    Which is it?

    This latest update has peed me off - I'm not happy with things as they are BUT I'm still PLAYING the GAME!
    Well, came back to test the waters...

    U16 hit...and the waters are not to my liking.

    Haven't played any of my capped toons...was working on my completionist toon...but could only play for short periods of time before a bug would cause me to not be able to finish a quest. Also I am busy in that certainly comes into play.

    I hang out on forums and read because I like to see what my friends here are up to...
    But it appears that this last update has angered some key people for me. Sirgog, Memnir, Missing Minds for example.

    I kinda feel like the game had become a chore for me before I stopped. Since I came back (as brief as it was) it feels the same way.

    I genuinely like this game. But bugs that make you fail a quest are hard to deal with. Also all the P2W really really bothers me. are right.

    When people quit...maybe its best to just walk away...thats what I do/did in the past.

    Heck I even made a thread about just that

    I do enjoy some good-natured trolling. I even had a "thread of the month" that was just a trolling attempt about bad builds (The "Krillin").

    The DDO community is AWESOME....that is why its hard to walk away from this game for good.

    Friends like Smatt, Bronko, Sirgog, Memnir, KingofCHeese, PSinna (Coit), Anthios, Leslie West...lotsa great people on these forums.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  11. #11
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    The only thing keeping me around is the awesome character customization. That's about it. The quests are coming out to be generic, simple, have a healer and the rest DPS just to smack down each group of mobs as you run through to the end. Trial by Fury was the last great quest I have seen, it had puzzle or smackdown paths to finish it.

    I definitely wont log in right now, because of all the little things that are piling up. That's my biggest pet peeve. It's not that a quest may break and they shut it down. It's about 100 little things that just keep getting swept under the rug, and the devs just ignore the complaints on the forums. Some of these complaints aren't full of vitriol, but they manage to give a response to the people looking for high places to meditate and take a screen shot. The store ads within game were an inevitability I figured would eventually come. Now it's here, and I definitely do not like it.

    Then we're told, it'll be fixed in the patch, which has no sense of ETA.

    I have been playing other games, and if they put an update in that broke the LFG tool, or even items missing in the cash shop. There'd be a hotfix within the next two days.

    Also, if you think MotU brought a lot of life back into this game, why did they have a good part of their development team replaced?

    I left for a while, and came back. Sure I enjoyed everything new from the MotU, but the problem I had with it was that I would put a LFM up, and get maybe 1 or 2 people to join. I would also barely see any LFMs for the new content. So I solo ran most of it.
    Last edited by Musouka; 11-14-2012 at 11:57 AM.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  12. #12
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Guess what. If you've quit playing the game but are still coming to the forum, you're doing it backwards.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  13. #13
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    Guess what. If you've quit playing the game but are still coming to the forum, you're doing it backwards.
    Actually, I would take it as: I can't bring myself to play the game, because something about it bothers me enough. However, I am still holding out hope that some great news will hit the forums that will change my mind on it.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  14. #14
    Community Member blkcat1028's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Actually, I would take it as: I can't bring myself to play the game, because something about it bothers me enough. However, I am still holding out hope that some great news will hit the forums that will change my mind on it.
    Waiting for GOOD news to hit the forums? Good luck. As another post pointed out, if you say something positive about the game all you get is ridiculed. It happens all the time.

    The forums represent a very small portion of the player base.

    If you want to see what's really happening, quit the forums and play the game. That's the only way you will ever know the truth.
    "You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong

  15. #15
    Community Member bruener's Avatar
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    Default nah

    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    Guess what. If you've quit playing the game but are still coming to the forum, you're doing it backwards.
    it just seems lately that thinking about playing this game is more fun than playing this game. I love reading the forums but i dont log in as much anymore. This was a great game. I could be the best MMO out there as some have claimed. i just dont feel like investing time trying to find a better one. actually online gaming wasn't really my thing. just games that reminded me of D&D is what i enjoy. I've played Diablo, BG, BG2, NWN 1 and 2 and many others, just not online. DDO was the first for me and probably the last. I personally hope this game is around for years to come,but.......i seriously doubt it. I wont list my reasons for thinking this. There are plenty of threads out there doing that already.

  16. #16
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    When the time comes that I head out for good (not a break, not time away), it will be a clean break. No more forums if there will be no more game, at least not for me. Why stick around to when I've already decided to break ties?

    I do agree with you that the community here is a fantastic one. It's mostly why I'm still here. DDO has the best group of folks playing it out of any online game I've dabbled in.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  17. #17
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    If the Bugs in the game were to reach to reach a point
    were the game was unplayable.
    Then yes I think I would leave; albeit with a heavy heart.
    But if it were to reach that point...?
    I don't know if there would be forums to stay on...

    If I came on the forums and no one was here...
    I would hang up my bartenders apron
    And walk away, can only work as a bartender if you have customers...
    If you have no customers... The tips are not so good..

    Till then... I'll keep the light on for ya.
    Last edited by Bekki; 11-14-2012 at 12:16 PM. Reason: Tough to post on a I-phone... ;-)
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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  18. #18
    Knight of Movember
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    Exclamation Hope lingers, but

    I have not given up but I am disheartened and I have greatly reduced my time on DDO.

    To me, it boils down to DDO's lack of leadership and lack of vision (from a player's game play perspective not necessarily a story line perspective). Why? I do not have enough information of the inside politics to give answers but I know it shows up through the game experiences of players. Honestly, though, given how D&D has feuded with itself for decades, this is par for the course.
    The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
    -1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
    From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker

  19. #19
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    I like the game no matter how much they mess it up. I probably have an addiction problem.
    Last edited by IWMettleblade; 11-14-2012 at 09:39 PM.

  20. #20
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Actually, I would take it as: I can't bring myself to play the game, because something about it bothers me enough. However, I am still holding out hope that some great news will hit the forums that will change my mind on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by bruener View Post
    it just seems lately that thinking about playing this game is more fun than playing this game. I love reading the forums but i dont log in as much anymore. This was a great game. I could be the best MMO out there as some have claimed. i just dont feel like investing time trying to find a better one. actually online gaming wasn't really my thing. just games that reminded me of D&D is what i enjoy. I've played Diablo, BG, BG2, NWN 1 and 2 and many others, just not online. DDO was the first for me and probably the last. I personally hope this game is around for years to come,but.......i seriously doubt it. I wont list my reasons for thinking this. There are plenty of threads out there doing that already.
    I've found that the forums tend toward the negative so much that one gets kind of addicted to the negativity. I myself have goon through periods of frustration with the game, and reading the forums feuled my fire. I wasn't even experiencing many of the bugs reported, but just reading about them made me feel like they WERe happening to me.
    It's easy to get caught up in that kind of thing. In reality, the game is still awesome. And it's getting better and more interesting all the time. Imagine if there were NO forums. 90% of us wouldn't even KNOW about 99% of the bugs. We'd just carry on playing.
    So, really, if you're in a slump, yeah, taking a break may be the way to go, but try taking a break from the forums first. This place can be a great source of info, but it can also very easily be a great place for b.s. The game is for playing after all, so play it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

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