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  1. #1
    Community Member Marmaduke's Avatar
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    Default Dex/wis monk still viable?

    I recently came back to the game after a 2 year hiatus... and boy, are things sure different! When I quit, I was nearly done with my monk's first TR. He had epic spectral gloves, jidz'teka, belt of the mroranan, + everything else that was considered great once upon a time. Therefore, I'm in a position that I'd feel pretty disappointed to abandon him altogether right now...

    I've been playing him the last couple nights (currently level 18 ftr/rog/mnk for past life feat) but I'm really not feeling much excitement. Is it worth getting hung up on his dex/wis gear layout? Is dex/wis still viable? Should I simply concentrate on TRing my level 20 wizard PM that I always felt overpowered on?

    I realize there's a lot of subjectivity in all that but the game changes have kind of left me in limbo in regard to class strengths.

  2. #2
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Dex / Wis monks were typically AC builds with modest DPS. AC builds got hit pretty hard in the changes surrounding the level cap increase.

    That said, you're not without options. There are several weapons in game that allow you to substitute Dex instead of Strength for To-Hit and Damage.

    Staff of Nat Gann. from Chronoscope
    Tiefling Assassin Blade, ML 4, from the 3-barrel cove slayer area.
    Treason, from Reaver's Fate
    Envenomed Blade, from Web of Chaos quest arc, can be upgraded to Epic.

    Most of these weapons are Shortswords, and all of them are Monk usable if you're a Ninja Spy.

    Currently, I'm running a Monk 12 (Ninja Spy) / Rogue 6 (Assassin) / Fighter 2 / Epic 5 character and having a blast. But then, your preferred playstyle may differ.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
    Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
    Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.

  3. #3
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    PS: You should have a free +0 Lesser Reincarnate coming for each of your characters, they applied them to all accounts after the changes. If you want to do a Monk Makeover, you won't be the only one.

    And regearing is pretty easy given all the stuff in Eveningstar and King's Forest.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
    Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
    Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.

  4. #4
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    Dex/Wis monks are still viable, although str and con should never be completely ignored. While there are weapons that use dex for damage, none of them are worth dropping handwraps for. Unarmed attack animations are faster than weapon animations, you can't use stunning fist with weapons, and you get more base damage from handwraps (assuming a majority of monk levels).

  5. #5
    Community Member Marmaduke's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks for the feedback you two. The game is just so immensely different now - from the new dodging and physical resist mechanics, to Cannith crafting, to epic destinies. It's all a bit overwhelming.

    Is a primarily wisdom-based monk viable then? For stunning fist and various finishers?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmaduke View Post
    Ok, thanks for the feedback you two. The game is just so immensely different now - from the new dodging and physical resist mechanics, to Cannith crafting, to epic destinies. It's all a bit overwhelming.

    Is a primarily wisdom-based monk viable then? For stunning fist and various finishers?
    Yes. Wisdom based with Grandmaster of Flowers is grand. A lot of people call it over powered because you can clear whole rooms with one click every 5 minutes.


  7. #7
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Dex/Wis is viable but a lot further from optimal than it used to be.

    I still run a couple of Dex/Wis monks because until they have all the reincarnate/Epic Destiny bugs fixed, I'm not willing to risk 15 Million ED XP on the chance that I'm the one in a thousand that gets bitten.

    So in the mean time, my dex/wis monks-- one light and one dark are still doing just fine. When I'm sure it's safe to do so, both will be lesser reincarnate into Wis/Str builds to free up the weapon finesse feat and qualify for vorpal strikes.

    Having a really high to-hit matters a lot less than it used to, so stat point allocation has more options than it used to. Stun DC's in the high 50's or 60's are now possible, and really help in the high end content.

    You will want a combat mastery item now... named items come in Belt, Ring and Cloak slots. That's a stacking +4/5/6 depending on the item to your tactics.
    Last edited by TPICKRELL; 11-14-2012 at 03:04 PM.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  8. #8
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    With the expansion, it removed much of the requirement to specialize in physical stats to be effective.

    IMO, all monks should be WIS

    In new content, to hit is much less important and each point of ac at the margin is less important, so for monks it comes down to more of a Dmg vs. Reflex issue.

    So no, not gimped at all.

  9. #9
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    Speaking on this matter. Does anyone have a 36pt Str/wis build they would like to share. With +3 tomes all stats

  10. #10
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    I recently LRed into what is basically a Dex/Wis monk, though I won't be picking up weapon finesse until 18 if I do pick it up. I will share it as it is so far, though it is based off of having only +2 tomes.

    Xenmonk, half-elf monk 15
    Starting stats:
    Str: 14
    Dex: 16
    Con: 16
    Int: 8
    Wis: 16
    Cha: 8
    +2 tomes to all stats
    All level ups into wis
    Feats (not exact order, just my suggestions):
    Twf(1), cleric dilly (helf), Toughness (monk 1), Power Attack(monk 2),
    Stunning Fist(3), Light path Feat, Precision(6), Dodge (monk 6), iTWF(9),
    Improved Crit: Bludgeoning(12), gTWF(15)
    max Concentration, 10 points in jump, rest choose between hide/MS/balance.
    Mostly in mountain stance, and I am debating taking 2 fighter levels for feats. for going pure I probably wouldn't bother with Weapon finesse and take mobility at 18, and end up taking spring attack in the epic levels. Otherwise, mobility and Spring attack as fighter bonus feats, fighter levels at 19 and 20. Would take Improved Martial Arts and Vorpal Strike in epic levels. This leaves the level 18 feat open for weapon finesse, or anything else wanted.

    Feel free to critique this build, I doubt I did it that well.

    EDIT: realized I forgot to say where I put my level ups, added that in.
    Last edited by the613; 11-17-2012 at 12:13 PM.

  11. #11
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    Here is a 32 point Elf Lawful Neutral build I have been having an absolute blast with in end game content.

    I did not have +3 tome's when I started her so that is why the odd numbers. Currently 24 and grandmaster flowers.
    Starting Current
    Str 15 27
    Dex 15 32 (+2 tome required for improved two weapon fighting
    Con 14 26
    Int 8 13
    Wis 16 45 ( +2 tome allowed vorpal strikes early in epic levels)
    Cha 8 13

    With nothing other than ship buffs and current gear standingin grandmaster of winds stance:

    Fort 31
    Will 42

    Stunning fist dc 52
    16% double strike (can get to 22% with gear

    Stunning fist, Touch of death, Quivering Palm, (epic feat) Vorpal strikes, and GM of flowers abilities = for typically leading the kill counts in any party quest. With a +2ki on hit from gear never have a problem with ki generation as a dark monk. The AC isn't great but with changes is viable against trash mobs even on epic hard. I never have a problem with to hit so far, even on Epic elite

    2 biggest things I would change when TR
    - helf with rogue dilly for sneak attack added damage
    - slight stat allocation changes to accommodate the +3 tomes at end game

    There are other little tweaks here and there, but overall the build has been a blast even as first life.
    Last edited by CorinBrightbane; 11-17-2012 at 04:26 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the613 View Post
    I recently LRed into what is basically a Dex/Wis monk, though I won't be picking up weapon finesse until 18 if I do pick it up. I will share it as it is so far, though it is based off of having only +2 tomes.

    Xenmonk, half-elf monk 15
    Starting stats:
    Str: 14
    Dex: 16
    Con: 16
    Int: 8
    Wis: 16
    Cha: 8
    +2 tomes to all stats
    All level ups into wis
    Feats (not exact order, just my suggestions):
    Twf(1), cleric dilly (helf), Toughness (monk 1), Power Attack(monk 2),
    Stunning Fist(3), Light path Feat, Precision(6), Dodge (monk 6), iTWF(9),
    Improved Crit: Bludgeoning(12), gTWF(15)
    max Concentration, 10 points in jump, rest choose between hide/MS/balance.
    Mostly in mountain stance, and I am debating taking 2 fighter levels for feats. for going pure I probably wouldn't bother with Weapon finesse and take mobility at 18, and end up taking spring attack in the epic levels. Otherwise, mobility and Spring attack as fighter bonus feats, fighter levels at 19 and 20. Would take Improved Martial Arts and Vorpal Strike in epic levels. This leaves the level 18 feat open for weapon finesse, or anything else wanted.

    Feel free to critique this build, I doubt I did it that well.

    EDIT: realized I forgot to say where I put my level ups, added that in.
    I used to go mountain but, lately I actually like fire with the GMOF fire stance thing. And with the sick amount of dc's they give you for tactical that hit to wis doesn't effect em as majorly as it would.

    That said I to have to fix my monk. I couldn't even know where to start. I'll prolly just tr em, and start from scratch, build toward the epic feats, and play the safe roll in race for whenever turb makes that passover.

  13. #13
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    My main monk is a wisdom & dex (with just enough con to get earth4) half elf finesse build, and she's no slouch - though you wont have quite as much hitting power as you level, you still get nice high DCs on your abilities like stun, dark monk debuffs (for shintao, reliably landing jade strike on a boss is a boost everyone can share in too), decent ac with no real effort & with 23 (stat plus tomes) in epic levels you can get vorpal strikes... whats not to like about the ability to bypass /slash & karate chop peoples heads off?
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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