Tomorrow at 11AM, please join me in a minute of silence.

Remember the boys who died to keep China British, conquer Poland for Germany, liberate Vietnam for America/France/Japan, Ethiopia for Italy, or Tibet for China. Remember also all the civilian casualties.

I would like to mention three veterans, now passed, who I will be remembering particularly.

Frank Gibson was in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, killed by gas in France in the first war. His death devastated my grandfather. My grandfather left Canada; he just couldn’t stand to be a British subject any more after his brother was killed like that. When Hitler came along my Grandfather went to war determinedly, knowing well what the cost would be, but without hesitation.

Hwang Minh was born in a small village in VietNam. His father was killed by the French and he joined the VietCong in time to serve against the Japanese, French and Americans. His mother was killed by Americans. After 50 years of military service he received a chest full of medals. Soldiers are supposed to put on their old uniform and march around on September 1, Liberation Day. But Hwang Minh refused to do that. ‘War is nothing to be proud of.’ He told me. He threw away all his medals and kept only the one that says Doc Lop. That means Liberation in VietNamese and they gave it to all the soldiers when they were demobilized and sent home.

Akira Watanabe was 17 years old when he arrived to liberate VietNam from white rule with the Japanese Imperial Army. He participated in all the crimes against the VietNamese people. After the war he returned to Japan and dedicated his life to peace. He became a Buddhist monk and a famous teacher of Zen philosophy and meditation. Watanabe was my first meditation master when I was a young monk. He used to hit me with a stick if I didn’t concentrate right.

Keeping all of them in my heart on 11/11.

Feel free to add a remembrance of any war victim who influenced you.