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  1. #1
    Community Member Lord_kNiels's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Epic feat selection for a barbarian


    I am currently leveling a barbarian in the epic levels and am about to take level 21 soon. I was wondering what feats i would benefit from the most.
    I currently have toughness, 3 THF, PA, cleave and imp crit: slash.

    For one of my choices I see the option of going towards overwhelming critical by taking greater cleave now, and OC at level 24. On the other hand I am a fan of tactical feats and was thinking of taking stunning blow and another feat (imp sunder perhaps). Stunning blow would improve my crowd controlling and increase my damage to a single target (once every 15 secs only though).
    Taking OC would increase my crit on 19-20 rolls from x6 to x7, which is roughly a 7% increase in dps from my base damage which unlike stunning blow would also apply to red and purple named bosses with low fortification.
    As a last option I could drop toughness and take both stunning blow, GC and OC, but I am yet undecided if I want to give up the hp, though it seems to me the Fury of the Wild gives back a lot of that.

    If you have any advice or experience you want to share with me on this dilemma, I thank you
    Last edited by Lord_kNiels; 11-10-2012 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    My 18/2 split has all the feats you're considering. I would probably go with GC and OC. I'm running LD, not FOTW, so that may change the balance. GC is a reset feat for Momentum swing in LD, so it's a nice feat to have.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lord_kNiels's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Thanks for the advice. I haven't yet unlocked the LD on my barb and it will probably be a while before I do. But it sounds like GC and OC are no bad investment. Maybe I'll decide later if I am going to switch out toughness for stunning blow then.

  4. #4
    Community Member boredman's Avatar
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    Stunning blow can be very good with the right gear, if you get a hide of the goristro armor that gives stunning +10 you will be able to stun using your main dps weapons (that would be pretty handy to stun using a Esos or a EAG) also if get a +5 exceptional combat mastery item (like spare hand or the house dunbar ring) will help more stunning blow dc. But for example, i still dont have those items on my lvl 22 Barb that is lvling through Fotw detiny so i picked Epic toughness at lvl 21 instead stunning blow. And as said before, GC can be good if using Ld destiny and OC will be my last option but can be good if already have GC as prereq and dont have yet the gear for stunning blow. So it depends more on the Destiny you are playing and the gear for stunning blow in my opinion.

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Have you considered swapping Toughness for Stunning Blow? That way you could have SB, Power Atk, Cleave, GC, IC:Slash, THF x3, OC.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    ya with stun 10 being on the armor piece of the ring slot, stunning blow is actually just as viable as a monk with wraps. Get the spare hand or the cloak, or the ring with combat mastery, and your dc's gonna be not to shabby.

    And a helpless mob is a mob that doesn't swing back and lets you tear into em for full dmg.

    Also OC feat. Stack those multipliers!

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