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  1. #1
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    Default Best undead beaters for Delera's (level :7-9)?

    Best undead beaters for Delera's (level :7-9)?

    I am just trying to figure out what weapons to get my wiz life before I start my tr into melee lives. I was thinking the following would be best:

    +1 Flaming burst flametouched iron maul of Undead bane with force damage ritual ml:9 ml:7 with masters

    That is the best I can think of especially if i get one that has a med guild slot. I don't think there are any low level named weapon and I don't think you can craft a disruption at that level.

    I just remembered are the named weapons form the challenges, how do their fair as their lv 8 version. Really I am close to hopeless in the weapon area as all of my toons are casters. I know 3x pos GS should beat everything but that is too high.

    On a side note, anything else I should look out for? I was planning a ranger,barb,fighter lives yet.

    All I can think of is hook blades, insanity, carnifex, AGA, maelstrom, scimitars out of eyes of stone? (Fang of S.) Are the no epic version of chaos blades worth using? Seems not because thats GS range. This is all for tring, so I was thinking of building a lit2 gs falchon. Any way please feel free to throw out any ideas.

  2. #2
    Community Member RabidApathy's Avatar
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    It's possible to find a race restricted Disruption weapon with an ML as low as 8, but they're rare. The lv 8 Mournlode weapons are pretty solid for the ML if you feel like grinding them out. Festivult is almost here, so keep your eyes out for some low level random gens to add Icy Burst to. A +1 Holy of Undead Bane with Icy burst added would only be ML8, and hard to beat.

  3. #3
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by selutha View Post
    Best undead beaters for Delera's (level :7-9)?

    I am just trying to figure out what weapons to get my wiz life before I start my tr into melee lives. I was thinking the following would be best:

    +1 Flaming burst flametouched iron maul of Undead bane with force damage ritual ml:9 ml:7 with masters
    That seems fine. Seems better than the L8 Mournlode Maul.

    I usually run with a BTA +1 holy of undead maul I've crafted.

    Impact flametouched iron maul of undead might be a good option too.
    Last edited by Postumus; 11-08-2012 at 03:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Gizeh's Avatar
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    If you craft a holy weapon the good alignment requirement for bypassing the ghostly skeleton DR will be covered without having to resort to special materials like flametouched iron. That should make it easier to get a base weapon with a guild augment slot.

    Especially with Delera's in mind I'd go for a holy bludgeoning weapon of undead bane to cover both ghostly and regular skeleton DRs. Without masterful craftsmanship such a weapon would be ML 7 and it would deal (base damage modified by str) + 2d6 holy + 2d6 bane.

  5. #5
    Community Member jortann's Avatar
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    You probably can find someone to craft you up a Holy maul. That will work in there very well. I would not put a lot of effort into getting the most 'optimal' weapon, because these levels go by pretty fast.
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Last-Wolf View Post
    I surrender to your wit sir, well played
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  6. #6
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    i own a RR lvl 8 min rapier of disruption, since most of my toons are finesse drow it has server very well over the years. Most recently on an artificer. Poor WF barb with a holy maul was confused as to why I was using a rapier, and why I had top kill count. Once I linked it, he complained even more because the RR on it is warforged. But I also never lack UMD on my drow so....

    Im kind of spoiled as I have had it a long long time now. One of my great finds back in the lvl 10 cap era.

  7. #7
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Impact flametouched iron maul of undead might be a good option too.
    they're undead. at level 7, the odds of having the ability to crit them in spite of their fortification... not so good.

    i'd stick with the +1 holy/undead bane. and add in a ghost touch weapon of undead bane on the side, maybe.

    or you can just bring along a couple of decent casters and pike :P

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Not as easy to get but

    I pass around a Sunblade (Shortsword with Bastard Sword Properties) and Extra undead damage.

    But I do recommend 2 basic types of weapons
    1. Bashing type for Skeletons <- Holy or Flametouched* or Good for the ones with DR
    2. Slashing type for Zombies <- Not as many of these, but still there are small groups of them

    *Flametouched Iron weapons are treated as good-aligned, so they will bypass the damage resistance of Flesh Renders, Fire Reavers, Ice Flensers and Ghostly Skeletons.

    A disruption weapon is an awesome find, but not always available especially at that level as most that are found are coveted.

    So if crafting is an option and disrupters are not - I recommend looking for Flametouched and add Elemental Damage (fire/acid are good choices) Prefix and Suffix of Undead Bane of the appropriate level so you can use the weapon - doing so on a bashing and slashing weapon would cover most if not all of your undead killing needs.

    You can search AH for Flametouched weapons.

    You will have a few incorporeal mobs, so if you want to be extra prepared look for Ghost Touch weapon. It might do less overall damage based on stats, but it will not have the 50% miss chance so you will in theory get more "HITS" with it, so it will balance out.

  9. #9
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    Thanks to all that have replied. It seems that I am at the best that I can get with my crafted +1 flaming burst flame touched iron maul of undead bane. I would do the RR disruptors but have not pulled or seen in the AH. This is really just trying to gear for a fighter/barb life.

    I do agree that these levels go fast but I love being over prepared and twinked. Its the joy of the game for me; sad I know.

    I do have a couple sun blades, but thought a 2 hander would work better for the fighter/barb life.

    I chose flaming burst over holy burst in the hope of seeing purple numbers and that means I have to use flame touched iron to bypass dr. I looked up the mournlode weapons and I think that my maul will be slightly better or at least the same.

    I also have a ghost touch weapon for those mobs, but it does not have the same damage potential as the maul; I will pull that out just for those gostly mobs.

    I was also think going to make a 2h slash and think that a great ax will be best because the awesome sauce that is a falchon will be lost on the high fort mobs. Basically comes down to great sword or ax in my mind.

  10. #10
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Just one additional thought. At one point in time adding a force ritual to a crafted weapon raised its ML by 2. Not sure if they ever fixed that bug.

  11. #11
    Community Member Mastikator's Avatar
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    Made a +1 Holy Maul Of Lesser Undead Bane, ml 7, very easy and cheap to craft, dealt 1d10+3d6+2 on everything, broke DR. IMO highest dps for lowest effort ratio available. Don't spend 100k plat worth of ingredients to add 1 force damage, that's just mental, you'll be in and out of that level range before you know it.
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  12. #12
    Undermine Zerger Knight_slayer's Avatar
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    I have 3 undead beaters for low lvl. All master crafted and large guild slotted with acid damage:
    lvl 3. Holy of lesser undead bane (large guild slot)
    lvl 7. Acid flame touch iron greater undead bane (large guild slot)
    lvl9. Holy greater undead bane (large guild slot)

    Dont bother with force damage on crafted weps, it raises the min lvl of the wep. Remember you will need to bypass good dr in deleras.

  13. #13
    Community Member Morlen's Avatar
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    Pick up a Phase Hammer from the auction house if you can find one. ML 8, ghost touched, greater incorpeal bane. Great for all those wraiths. ^_^

    Otherwise, the absolute best ML 9 undead beater... Triple Positive Greensteel Maul! You just have to find a version from years and years ago... So that probably won't happen. heh.
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  14. #14
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I just farmed a bound-to-account quarterstaff (Catacombs drops one on average every 3 completions or so). Then add +1, Holy, Masterful Craftsmanship and Undead Bane (Lesser Bane if you can't make the MC shard).

    Voila, one min level 7 item that is immune to permanent damage and does sickening damage on every toon, regardless of their weapon proficiencies.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    I like Heart of Hens...

    Those really hurt undead when you use them to cast Firewall.
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  16. #16
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    this may be useful, it works for me
    if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
    if life gives you pickles, well you're screwed. because pickleade sucks.

  17. #17
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I just farmed a bound-to-account quarterstaff (Catacombs drops one on average every 3 completions or so). Then add +1, Holy, Masterful Craftsmanship and Undead Bane (Lesser Bane if you can't make the MC shard).

    Voila, one min level 7 item that is immune to permanent damage and does sickening damage on every toon, regardless of their weapon proficiencies.
    This. I also made a BTA heavy mace and light mace with the same properties.
    Not having to craft a new item every time I TR a character, and being able to throw the item back on my weapon mule instead of keeping it in my bank, is far more important to me than 1d4 acid damage from a LGA slot.
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  18. #18
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    Mine is an ML 8 Holyburst of Pure good GS that's icybursted. GS instead of maul because it's a general purpose weapon too, and for my FvSs. Sadly, it's gotten fairly beaten up (about half of it's durability is in the red now, and only getting worse).

    But a sweet weapon.

  19. #19
    Community Member Horkster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight_slayer View Post
    I have 3 undead beaters for low lvl. All master crafted and large guild slotted with acid damage:
    lvl 3. Holy of lesser undead bane (large guild slot)
    lvl 7. Acid flame touch iron greater undead bane (large guild slot)
    lvl9. Holy greater undead bane (large guild slot)

    I'm just curious Knight_slayer why you didn't slot those with a Large Gem of Embers for double fire damage?

    Flametouched iron AND large guild slots - that's sweet!

    Stavandal - Guild Leader of 'The Silver Legion' of Cannith, a part of Guild Medieval

  20. #20
    Community Member Sarzor's Avatar
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    I generally make a holy maul of lesser undead bane (ML:5) to use through catacombs, and just add +1 to it for Delera's. Same could be said for making a mastercrafted holy maul of undead bane and adding +1 to it for Delera's. It's more that I don't want to use up undead stones when I just destroy the item anyway to make space later in a life.

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