For life number 5 I have settled on Paladin, and with our group having no proper healer this life, figure a somewhat defensive based Paladin would be a good idea.
So I have settled on Human 2 Fighter / 18 Paladin with DoS as my Pre. Fighter levels taken at 7 and 14.
Str 16 - 24 (+3 tome, +5 level ups)
Dex 8 - 10 (+2 tome)
Con 16 - 18 (+2 tome)
Int 11 - 14 (+3 tome)
Wis 9 - 11 (+2 tome)
Cha 16 - 18 (+2 tome)
I figure its better to end on an odd number for Wisdom, which really only is there to help with spells.
In order, Feats would be:
Toughness, THF, Power Attack, ITHF, Shield Mastery, IC Slash, IC Pierce or Ex. Dw. Axe, GTHF, Maximise, Imp Shield Mastery
For the most part I will be using 2 Handed weapons - Carnifex/Antique Greataxe, Bloody Cleaver, Vampiric Bloody Cleaver, possibly a Tier 2 Greensteel Falchion, and stuff I can craft. I will S&B for the encounters where we really need the defence. I have Arrondi and Light and Darkness - but sadly no Madstone Shield, despite SO MANY runs.
My decision on IC Pierce or Ex. Dw. Axe comes down to whether I think I will get more use out of my Lit 2 Rapier, Turbulent Epee, WoP Rapier, CC Short Sword, Envenomed Blade, and other assorted Rapiers and Short Swords, or whether I will get more use out of the very limited named Dwarven Axes I own, plus whatever I craft. I have until level 12 to decide this, so there is no rush.
In terms of skills, it will be Intim, Jump, Bal, then as my Int goes up I include Spot or something else, then when Balance gets to 15, I will swap it out for more Spot, or something else.
I will be using White Dragonscale from 14, plus Parasitic for the times when Reflex is more important than PRR.
Are there any obvious flaws in what I have chosen? I suspect my big decision will be whether to take IC Pierce or Exotic Dwarven Axe at 12. But is there anything else I should look at?
The rest of the group will be made up with: Ranger, Artificer, another Paladin. So our self heals should be pretty decent, but I think we could have some trouble with our DPS.