New OutRiders Level 50 Medium Size Guild.

Website link: New OutRiders

Application Page: Join Page

Forums link: NOR Boards

Summarization: "Have fun and help others do the same"!!

Description: The New OutRiders are currently in the process of rebuilding our branch in DDO. We started the game during Beta, played on the Fernia server and have been around ever since. Many of our members have moved on (for a variety of reasons) over the years so we are hoping to slowly grow the guild once again. We are looking for new recruits who will mesh will with us and appreciate the NOR Philosophy. The New OutRiders (NOR) are currently a Medium Size, Level 50 Guild with many very knowledgeable players who are always happy to help out new players. We have no problem with people soloing as often as they like and are also more than happy to duo/group with each other regardless of pace of play. We understand that RealLife always comes first.

The New OutRiders are a multi-game guild with NOR branches in many different games. We were founded in the game “Shadows of Yserbius” on the ImagiNation Network, in 1992 and we have been going strong for the last 20 years. We are a family oriented guild with a very rich history. Our members are of all ages and come from all walks of life and backgrounds, but are united in the common goal of having fun and helping others. Our goals will be familiar to anyone who still plays PnP RPGs with friends; we gather to have fun and enjoy each others company. Whether our characters rescue the damsel in distress, or become dragon chow, the point of the game is the excuse to socialize with friends, argue passionately about issues of no importance, and create stories of triumph and defeat that will be told for years to come. We pride ourselves on helping others, NOR and non-NOR alike, so we are often quite good at achieving in-game goals; it is simply not our first priority. It is very important to understand that the purpose of NOR is not to achieve in-game goals; we are not a powergaming/elitist guild. Our first priority is to have fun with friends, the particular game we are playing right now is merely the place we do it.

The Guild's Objectives: We try to make NOR a Guild for ALL people... we can't of course... but we try!! We try to make it fun to be a member. Organizing various events both in and out of game is one way we do this and we are always open to ideas from members.

The "Prime Directive" of the New OutRiders is to have FUN!! We are a Social Guild that, in comparison to some other Guilds, has very few rules and regulations, and we try to keep it that way. The Charter gives us our "Goals" and the Standards & Conventions give us a "Code of Conduct" to follow to achieve that Goal.

Attitude/Playstyle: The Golden Rule applies here!! Treat others as you want to be treated. Do not be rude or obnoxious!! In guild chat or out of guild chat. Obscene or derogatory language is not permitted in NOR. We expect a family atmosphere. Throughout all the games NOR has been a part of we have maintained a very positive reputation of being both a mature and friendly guild. We care about that reputation and expect those with our Guild Tag to care about it as well.

Members: Members should spread the NOR philosophy by endeavoring to help others (NOR and non-NOR alike) and are expected to give whatever reasonable assistance they can to anyone who asks for it or looks like they need it. This includes showing new players around the game and answering their questions, helping people to complete quests, and many other things. What it does not include is a requirement to leave your current group to help someone, give out items or money, or powerlevel others (unless you want to of course)

Recruiting: Quality over Quantity!! The New OutRiders have an open recruiting policy where you start in guild as a New Recruit. We have an approximately 2-week “trial period” in order to be "Squired". In this time we ask that you simply fill out the Recruit Application and get to know other members of the guild to find out if we are a good fit for one another. NOR’s focus has never been on becoming a large or “uber” raiding guild but rather on getting to know guild members and enjoying each others company. We are not concerned with how often you can or can’t play but rather that you respect your guild mates and enjoy yourself when you do play.

Recruiters / Leaders: Yavool is our Realm Leader and Skorj is our Branch leader. I am the Heraldess and Recruiting Officer. Please contact any of us here, or in our forums or look for someone in game to chat with if you are interested in becoming a Recruit in the New OutRiders DDO.