Update 14 vastly improved sword and board and two handed melee in comparison to other fighting styles. The combination of cleave, momentum swing, lay waste,(which work better for S&B or THF characters then TWF) and the epic destinies unyielding sentential, legendary dreadnaught, and fury of the wild which favor the sword and board or two handed fighting style means for power gamers it is time to make less two weapon fighting characters although rogues are the exception to that rule. What changed for sword and board characters is the doublestrike which can get quite high and how well cleave/momentum swing/law waste/whirlwind/great cleave works for sword and board. The Axehead is in accordance with the thinking of making more sword and board or two handed characters.
The Axehead has 34% doublestrike, all the relevant dps feats, 1164 hit points, 129 physical resistance rating, 76 intimidate, and 7% dodge. Basically the Axehead does similar or comparable dps to a two weapon fighting melee and is able to take a lot more damage when compared to two weapon fighting melee i.e. its better then two weapon fighting builds. It is a dps build that can tank epic elite content and mitigates the parties overall damage taken.
The Axehead is in Sword and Board mode all the time. It is also in the Legendary Dreadnaught epic destiny 99% of the time. It's playstyle is to generally runs into a room and spams intimidate and then do cleave/ momentum swing/great cleave/lay waste onto a group of mobs.
The Axehead is dwarf, but a sword and board Half-Elf using bastard swords is also very good and is the alternative build.
Level 20 Dwarven fighter
Assumes full ship buffs and in Stalwart Defender Stance 3.
Hit Points: 1122: 1.2*935 = 20 (heroic) + 200 (Fighter Levels) + 350 (Con ) +50 (Epic Levels) + 50 (Legendary Dreadnaught) + 70 (Toughness Feat) + 20 (Toughness item enhancement) + 50 (enhancement) +10 (gh favor) +45 shroud item +30 (greater false) +40 (yug pot).
AC: 85.
AC w/combat expertise: 91
AC w/ Barkskin: 94.
Ac w/ Armor Boost: 109.
7% dodge= (4% dun Rohbar ring + 3% Alertness).
Physical Resistance Rating:
123 (46% damage reduced) = 29 (heavy armor) + 10 (shield mastery)+ 15( Improved shield mastery w/tower shield)+ 20 (Using shield in Stalwart 3)+ 20 (Stalwart defender 3)+ 15 (legendary Shield Master) + 9 (bear Cloak) .
143 (50% damage reduced) = with combat expertise.
Healing Amp: 1.716 = 1.1 (ship)* 1.2 (Tower ring) * 1.3 (Claw Glove).
Double Strike: 31% doublestrike = 8% (improved shield mastery) + +6 % (enhancement from shield) + 7% (legendary shield mastery), 10% (fighter Capstone).
Saves vs. Spells:
Fort 44 = 12 (base)+ 15 (con) +3 SD + 5 resist + 2 luck +4 gh +3 vs. spells dwarf
Will 27 = 6(base) + 4 (wis) +3 SD + 5 resist+ 2 luck+4 gh +3 vs. spells dwarf
Reflex 24 = 6 (base) +3 SD +5 resist +4 gh +3 vs. spells dwarf
Intimidate: 79 = 23 (ranks) + 5 (epic levels) +5 (claw gloves) +20 intimdate (Brawn Sprit) + 5 (charisma modifier) +3 (intimidate enhancement)+ 6 (stalwart defender 3) + 2 (good luck) +2 (favor) +4 (greater heroism) +4 guild slotted.
Intimidate: 85 when wearing +6 charisma goggles and 97 with two twists.
Note: greater then 77 intimidate is not needed in game right now other then on the epic elite lord of blades which is not actively played in game.
Base Stats:
18 str (16)
10 int( 2)
8 wis
10 Dex (2)
18 con (10)
10 cha( 4)
46 str 18 base + 6 level ups + 3 tome +7 ehance + 2 insight +3 class + 6 competence +2 ship
13 int10 base +3 tome
19 wis 8 base + 3 tome +6 enhancement +2 ship
16 Dex 10 base +4 tome +2 ship
38 con 18 (base) + 3 tome +2 insight con +6 con + 1 racial con + 6 competence stance + 2 ship
21 cha +6 enhance +3 tome +2 ship
1 Toughness
3 Shield Mastery
6 Improved Shield Mastery
9 two handed
12 improved two handed
15 greater two handed
18 Icrit slash
Fighter bonus feats:
1 Weapon focus
2 Weapon specialization
4 greater weapon specialization
6 sunder
8 stunning blow
10 cleave
12 great cleave
14 combat expertise
16 power attack
18 Quick Draw
20 Power Critical
21 Epic Toughness
24 Overwhelming critical
(6) Armor Class Boost 3
(3) Fighter Item Defense 2
(8) Stalwart Defender 3
(6) Fighter Toughness 3
(3) Improved Intimidate 3
(2) Dwarf Tactics 1
(1) Fighter Stun blow 1
(10) Fighter Haste Boost 4
(12) Fighter Strength 3
(3) Fighter Weapon Specialization Dwarven Axe 2
(2) Fighter Weapon Alacrity
(6) Dwarf Axe Damage
(6) Dwarf Shield Mastery 3
(3) Racial toughness 2
(1) Dwarven Spell Defense 1
(2) extra action boost 1
(2) Dwarven Con 1
(6) Fighter Shield Mastery
Destiny: Legendary Dreadnaught
(3) Legendary Tactics
(1) Extra Action Boost
(3) Momentum Swing
(2) Improved Power Attack
(2) Improved CE
(2) Lay Waste
(3) Crit Damage
(2) Anvil of Thunder
(2) Devastating Critical
(2) Headman’s Chop
(2) Master’s Blitz
1 Legendary Shield Mastery
2. Sense Weakness
3. Brace For Impact
Helm: +6 charisma of alertness
Trinket: Epic Brawn Spirit w/good luck
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles/+6 cha skills Shroud Air Air Air
Armor: +5 Primal Planeforged Half-Plate of Greater Luck w/lg gluild slot and intimidate in it
Cloak: Adamantine Bear
Necklace: Shintao
Belt: Epic Belt of Moranon with greater false life
Bracer: Claw
Glove: Claw
Ring1: Shintao w/20% healing amp
Ring2: Seal of House Dun RoBar stun +10 +4 dodge % + 2 insight str
Boots: +45 shroud hit point of smoke (20% blur with displacement clicky
Weapon: duegar axe of weapon master +10 shatter
Shield: Alchemical tier 1: fire, tier 2: air: tier 3 fire w/good.