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  1. #1
    Community Member Superspeed_Hi5's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Default Handwraps (Again)

    So any other LN monks out there annoyed that Alignment Damage Handwraps since U15 actually require you to be said alignment?

    I was hoping to replace my +1 Force Burst HW of Pure Good with something with a better + on it since U14 came out. I suppose I could invest some points in UMD but since I am pure monk I dont think that what I could add via skill points would be enough to allow me to hit the 23 UMD needed to equip opposing alignment weapons.

    I suppose I could respec into Lawful Good but then I will get a neg level on top of everything else since I wear a Litany.

    Thoughts, ideas?

    Im leaning towards dont bother to get annoyed, but its frustrating when handwraps always seem to have an issue. No GS HW, Crafted HW are borked, Antipodals are the only weapon requiring Heroic Comms to upgrade (for now), the list goes on.

  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    The alignment thing just brings them in line with any other weapon, so it doesn't bother me.

    As for the lack of greensteel... ok, at low to mid levels its annoying but at high levels ToD rings plus some decent wraps like the grave wrappings, unstable handwraps & ivy wraps are nice & though its something of a gamble farming some ings for some amaunator ascetic wraps can result in some very nice cominations of effects.

    For random effects, metal-typed wraps are dropping more often now & there are enough new prefix/suffix effects out there (check here for a list & theres more added in u15) that you can find something decent without too much hassle - finding something exceptional is the tricky part now
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 08-30-2012 at 11:08 AM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  3. #3
    Community Member mrtweakin's Avatar
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    It seems like every time my monk finishes an epic quest he gets a list of several wraps he would have killed for prior to U14. Any complaints I might have about changing requirements and such on wraps are a total wash with the awesomeness that can now be obtained.
    Captains Crew, Ghallanda
    Tweakfoo (Monk, 7th Life) | Tweakbot (Wizard, 8th Life) | Tweakit (Bladeforged Fighter Mutt, 16th Life, Completionist)

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