What I have is a first life 32 point 18/2 fighter rogue, twf kensei III with dwarven axes. I have UMD, and with gear swaps (and GH) I can cast heal scrolls 100%. Other than weapons (two GS dwarven axes 1 mineral and 1 lightning), goggles (GS 1 for UMD and 1 for blind/fear etc), cloak (halloween epic cloak), and a DT leather, the gear isn't great.
I also have the almost complete inability to land a trip or sunder on anything worth tripping or sundering. I feel essentially like I'm limited to nothing but swinging at a single target and hitting boosts (and scroll healing). Which brings me to the 'want' part.
I want to make this guy even more solo friendly but still be able to do good damage if I get into a guild for raids and such. I want to be able to smash a caster or archer into the dirt so I can finish killing them, or stop them from healing over and over. I want to be able to UMD more stuff without swapping gear, but this is a lesser concern. I want to have more combat effect than just hitting a single target.
My thoughts are that maybe I should reincarnate and go THF this time, as I think it uses less feats than TWF. If I make a mineral GS greataxe, would I see a huge drop in damage? I want to be able to use my trips, and sunders (and stuns if I spec it), and be able to rely on them. The cleaves look pretty cool, but are they actually useful? Or does the THF line do more than enough?
I'd like some help making a build, with the only real limitations being that it has to be a dwarf, it has to be a fighter/rogue, it's chaotic good, and that UMD is a part of it. (Also may need help running shroud for ingredients, as I'm not sure it's pugged anymore on Khyber)