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Thread: Good cloaks?

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  1. #1
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    Default Good cloaks?

    With the new loot from U14, my epic envenomed cloak has become rather redundant. I have the helm from the PDK favor for my +8 con, and then one of the new breastplates with toughness on and resistance 6. In other words, I need a new cloak. I've considered making this my GS +45 hp item, since it will let me use Tharne's or the new goggles with Manslayer on them instead of hp goggles, but I'm still not entirely sure. I've also considered the Phiarlan Mirror Cloak, but then that's more of a switch in item I think.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zorth's Avatar
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    The ones with plus 25 percent stacking Fortification are good. I have one that also adds plus 6 to Dex.

    The Greensteal HP option is a good choice as well, like you said.
    The Blood of the Red Dragon

  3. #3
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    Also the new challenge cloak with its horrible grind, Adamantine Cloak of Wolf/Bear.
    ME BARB, ME SMA-ok I stand here with pretty blue lines around me. ok I take damage. ok bye.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    I've never found anything as good as the Mabar cloak, epic or otherwise.

    Mirror cloak comes close for overall utility, but I always find myself wearing the Mabar cloak over any other.

  5. #5


    level 20ish my top 3 is also mabar and the new ones, for some stats:

    Mithral Cloak of the Bear - Sheltering +6, Protection +6, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Incite +20%

    Mithral Cloak of the Wolf - Exceptional Seeker +4, Dodge bonus 3%, Attack Bonus +3, Diversion 20%

    Cloak of night - Invisibility Guard, Ghostly, Deathblock, Nightmare Guard, Dodge Bonus +2, DR 5/Good

    my favorite is still cloak of night, everything is good about it, especially for a fighter this fills in a lot of nice stuff in a slot that otherwise is hard to get stuff on.

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    For a class that feels on crits for DPS like barbarian the Adamantine cloak of the wolf is a must have. In the meantime, pick up a Drow Piwafi for the easy source of sneak attack.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  7. #7
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    Sounds like the Mabar cloak and the Wolf cloak are in a toss up. But I keep having to come back to the idea that, optimized, is the Drow Smoke Goggles and a +45 hp Cloak. The manslayer bonuses just seem too good. Seeker +6 is also a nice property... I'm currently just using the Blood Stone until I get something better.

    The exceptional seaker on the wolf cloak is also awesome however, since its going to be giving me +30 damage on a crit with my epic antique(about +40 over the Manslayer), and this is assuming that Turbine hasn't set it to where your damage is multiplied properly by the Frenzied Berserker enhancements.

    I'm on the fence. It seems like the Wolf Cloak is more DPS than the Smoke Goggles, but I'm not entirely sure.

  8. #8
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varashad View Post
    Sounds like the Mabar cloak and the Wolf cloak are in a toss up. But I keep having to come back to the idea that, optimized, is the Drow Smoke Goggles and a +45 hp Cloak. The manslayer bonuses just seem too good. Seeker +6 is also a nice property... I'm currently just using the Blood Stone until I get something better.

    The exceptional seaker on the wolf cloak is also awesome however, since its going to be giving me +30 damage on a crit with my epic antique(about +40 over the Manslayer), and this is assuming that Turbine hasn't set it to where your damage is multiplied properly by the Frenzied Berserker enhancements.

    I'm on the fence. It seems like the Wolf Cloak is more DPS than the Smoke Goggles, but I'm not entirely sure.
    You should definitely have either the stalker ring or the drow goggles in your gear setup along with a GS HP item and the wolf cloak. What are your other slots?
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    You should definitely have either the stalker ring or the drow goggles in your gear setup along with a GS HP item and the wolf cloak. What are your other slots?
    My current end game set up is probably not optimal. I'm stuck in the past and somewhat unwilling to give up the hunt for older loot.

    Helm: PDK
    Neck: Shintao Cord
    Trinket: Bloodstone - I need suggestions for this slot too I suppose.
    Armor: Chitin Breastplate +8 strength
    Belt: Knosts
    Ring: Kyoshos and Encrusted with +2 exceptional strength and 20% healing amp
    Gloves: Epic Claw
    Bracers: Epic Claw
    Boots: Madstone
    Goggles: Triple Air Hp green steel
    Cloak: ML: 24 wolf cloak is currently planned on.

    The Stalker Ring is out of my reach since I have no desire to purchase that crazy expensive pack just for one item. This is why I'm struggling to choose gear; if I had the stalker ring I would drop Kyosho's, grab a finger necklace or something, use the wolf cloak and hp goggles and everything would be all hunky dory.

    But without access to the Stalker Ring, I'm forced to give up something elsewhere. I will grind out the ring eventually using daily challenges, but its just a real chore since I don't play as often as I used to, and mostly only log on to do raids and the like.

  10. #10
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    This is what I'm planning, gear-wise:
    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Just going by my dwarf barb(pure-will be lvling to 24 to take OCrit, and GRing to 32 pt):

    Starting stats for dwarf:
    18 Str
    12 Dex
    18 Con
    09 Int
    08 Wis
    07 Cha

    Dex haven't decided on, need around mid40s in reflex to be effective for eElite from what I hear, so my saves won't be good enough I think, probably should dump stat it. If you think you'll mainly be doing eHard, then there's still merit to putting points in Dex. I like to build my chars for endgame though, and for me that's eElite. (Along with eHard being easy)

    18 base
    03 tome
    10 rage
    07 itm
    01 exc
    02 ins
    01 litany
    05 scream
    02 fb
    02 enh
    01 destiny (possibility)

    18 base
    04 tome
    06 lvls
    12 rage
    06 frenzy
    01 exc
    02 ins
    06 itm
    05 scream
    02 fb
    02 cap
    01 litany
    01 7itm
    01 8itm (possibility, not in most gear specs since slot consolidation is better than a possible +1 ab/dmg and +1 tactics dc)
    01 ins 3 (possibility, not in gear spec since it takes trinket or armor slot)
    01 destiny (possibility)

    Helm: eSpiked Turban / eRed Dragon / Purple Knight
    Necklace: SF / eGrim's Bracelet+3%dodge+7str+2gl OR toughness / eHyena Claw+7con+toughness
    Armor: Red Dragonscale / eMarichain / Hide of Goristro
    Ring2: 7con OR 2str OR 7str 10vert Dunrobar / Avithoul Seal / Stalker / 6% doublestrike random gen
    Ring1: Encrusted (20% Heal amp)
    Trinket: Litany
    Goggles: HP GS (Smoke-Min2 is what I have now though)
    Gloves: Claw
    Bracers: Claw
    Boots: Madstone
    Coak: ml24 Challenge
    Belt: Knost's

    Helm: Red Dragon (7str)
    Armor: Red Dragonscale (toughness)
    Neck: Hyena Claw (7con)
    Ring: 2str 10 vert Dunrobar (2 str)
    -5 resistance
    -2 gl

    Helm: Spiked Turban (+5 resistance)
    Armor: Red Dragonscale (toughness)
    Neck: Grim's Bracelet (7 str+2gl)
    Ring: 2str 10 vert Dunrobar (2 str)
    -1 Con

    Helm: Purple Knight (7 con, 2 str)
    Armor: Red Dragonscale (toughness)
    Neck: Grim's Bracelet (7str+2gl)
    Ring: Stalker ring(+5 exc SA dmg, +4 resistance, 10% ghostly)
    -1 resistance
    +5 Exc SA dmg
    10% ghostly

    Helm: Purple Knight (7 con, 2 str)
    Armor: Red Dragonscale (toughness)
    Neck: Grim's Bracelet (7str+4 resistance)
    Ring: 6% doublestrike ring
    -1 resistance
    -2 gl
    +6% dmg

    Helm: Purple Knight (7 con, 2 str)
    Armor: Red Dragonscale (toughness)
    Neck: Grim's Bracelet (7 str+4 resistance)
    Ring: 2 dex Avithoul (2 dex, +13 SA dmg)
    -1 resistance
    -2 gl
    +2 dex
    +13 SA dmg

    Helm: Purple Knight (7 con, 2 str)
    Armor: Goristro (8 str, toughness, 10 vertigo)
    Neck: Golden Guile (resistance +4, +1 cha skills, 10% ghostly)
    Ring: 2 dex Avithoul (2 dex, +13 SA dmg)
    -1 resistance
    -2 gl
    +2 dex
    +13 SA dmg
    10% ghostly

    Helm: Purple Knight (7 con, 2 str)
    Armor: Goristro (8 str, toughness, 10 vertigo)
    Neck: Grim's Bracelet (+2 gl)
    Ring: Stalker ring (+5 exc SA dmg, 6 seeker, 10% ghostly, +4 resistance)
    -1 resistance
    +5 SA dmg
    +6 seeker
    10% ghostly
    ME BARB, ME SMA-ok I stand here with pretty blue lines around me. ok I take damage. ok bye.

  11. #11
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    You can get daily tokens and get stalker ring(can get 300-700 ings per run),if you have few more high lvl chars it will be faster since ings are bta.
    For trinket slot I would suggest another thing from challenges,blasting chime.

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