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  1. #1
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Stalwart Defender 18/2 fighter rogue

    So this build was great and I could fit EVERYTHING in I planned to...prior to U14. Now with some new gear plans...I am seriously beating my brain trying to figure out how to get everything on the toon. So far swapping to Red scale armor (probably Hide) seems a sweet idea at first....till I then try and figure how to recoup what I lost...its a total trickle effect that when I look back ....I say to myself "was it worth losing this that and the other thing for a minimul gain here and there and minimal losses here and there to boot"?

    So Ill try and post what is current then post what I want to swap with and add the benefits and losses in such a swap in an attempt to get ideas how to maybe regain my losses.

    18 fighter 2 rogue

    Head-Epic Chimeras Crown(not slotted currently)/Helm of frost (I rarely swapped to the Helm of frost it gave set bonus at loss of 20 Hp and 5 nat armor)
    Trinket-Epic Brawns spirits w/good luck slotted
    Bracers-Tharaak bracers/Conc opp +5 cha skills/blindnessimmunity(only used in max inim situations)
    Cloak-epic envenomed (not slotted currently)
    Neck-Epic grims(not slotted currently)
    Goggles-GS Min 2 HP (had GS smoke hp but swapped to min 2 when decided the occult slayer set was beneficial and can wand blur if i want to)
    Armor-Epic duelist Leathers w+7 slotted
    Belt-Vornes belt (occult set +2 reflex and will)
    Gloves-Epic spectrals (not slotted)
    Ring 1-Morganas with +2 insight str slotted (wanted the wisdom and +1 exc str as well)
    Ring 2-Gnawed with 20% Healing amp slotted (provides my +1 exc con as well)
    Boots-Epic Boots of Corrosion (not slotted currently)
    Shield-Epic Swashbuckler +7 slotted
    Weapon-Epic chimeras fang good slotted

    Feats (no particular order)
    Dodge (orignally pre U14 was hamstring)
    Imp crit slash
    Shield mastery
    Imp shield mastery
    Quick Draw
    SF intim
    Toughness 4 times

    Feats I think I got a handle on Im dropping 2 toughness for Spring attack and mobility and will either drop quick draw or another toughness for Whirlwind attack. I feel whirlwind attack is a good feat especially if tanking mobs in EE. I really like the way quick draw kills a lot of the lag produced when swapping gear. I dont need the toon to be max HP but would like to hang around 1000-1100 I feel the defensive benefits will outweigh the xtra 200ish hp I will lose from max hp. My issue is gear and on to that.

    Ok so first I want to swap the eduelist leathers to Red Hide (thats the light version?)
    here I pick up seeker 10 prot/resistance 6 and toughness and I believe more PRR than the Epic duelist?
    But I lose +4% dodge Epic nimbleness balance 15. I dont care about balance so much as I have plenty and can afford to lose it. The dodge kinda blows to lose but will gain another 2 from spring attack. So -2%dodge. I thought about picking up a seal of dunrobar...but I lose 20% healing amp and +1 exc con and lose +2 reflex/will. Or I lose +3 str if i drop my morganas. Looked at dropping the envenomed for the epic cloak of night. Which with red armor I can drop tharaak bracers completely. I like the concealment changes and want to incorporate it on Wrekkin and have a cloak of night in bank.
    I figure losing the 7 con dropping e envenomed cloak is made up with purple dragon night helm which will cause me to lose the 24 hp from E chimeras crown. No biggie? But now Im losing 24 hp from helm and the 25 hp per toughness Im dropping...totaling 74-99 hp loss (actually more due to stalwart) depending if I drop 2 or 3 toughnesses to aquire whirlwind attack. Now Im also wanting to change to a large shield from either the challenges (if they ever become static) or that sexy wall of wood in upcoming content. Here I lose my insighful dex 2. So I considered the woodsmans boots as they have that dex on em for me yay! But Ive now given up 6 precious slots and +7 dex and perm ghost touch. Gained 30% healing amp +3 damage, lost 1 to hit and do not have charisma anywhere. Well Ive finally got all these thoughts into some unorganized writing. Feel free to comment any ideas or feel free to squelch me too if this is annoyingly garbled lol. I know im kinda just blastin it out as I think of it. Time will tell what finally happens. It will prolly be 2 years before I have my 3 heroic commendations to make the armor anyhow. Laters
    Last edited by akiraproject24; 08-14-2012 at 10:54 PM.
    Pimpin toons since 2006

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