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  1. #1
    Community Member Chaotiq's Avatar
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    Default For 2WF, Pure Fighter still viable?

    Most 2WF builds I've seen include tempest/barb etc, im wondering if a pure fighter 2wf khopesh build is still viable. I've currently got a level 6 2WF fighter, should i multiclass it into anything or is it too late? Ty

  2. #2
    Community Member Purkilius's Avatar
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    Pure is still very viable kensai III and capstone ad a lot to your dps.

    If your going to splash you have to know what you are gaining for example on my first life I was a paladin so 2nd life I splashed 6 lvls of paladin going for 12/6/2 I knew what I was giving up for the capstone and kensai III.

  3. #3
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Basically your trading in gains and losses not really levels. (Well sometimes you are if levels give things like how a rog gives extra SA, or an arti gives extra rune arm. Or feats that would be netted by a lv attained.)

    But anyway in the case of the fighter your giving up kensei 3 which gives you an extra point of threat range. And the cap which is Speed increase in ranged (Ya like that even matters with how broke it is.) and I think a 10% chance to double strike with melee. So slightly probably good chance that you might double strike.

    Now you give those up for say tempest 1. With this you get 10% bonus to triggering offhand attacks and you get a bonus to AC (2) while 2 weapon fighting. You also get the things ranger nets you. in 6 levels. Some spells mainly rams. And you get your bow feats as well as manyshot for a major boost in dmg every so often.

    Next up you come to the 2 splash. You could take another 2 ranger but it doesn't really net anything. So you could go say rogue. You get some wand and scroll mastery, you gain evasion when wearing light armor, you get SA dmg when not having thread. Also allows you to be decent at traps as well, and nets a great deal of skill points to fill out umd which is very nice for heal scrolls, or restoration scrolls.

    You could even go a 2 splash of monk, wear some threads and use fists. Still get good ac i'd say around 50%. Maybe more defense chance. All depends if your a handwraps tod ring, stunning fist man, or blades man.

    Ive seen fighter monk splashes where it was min maxed. I could see the reasoning for it, but i'd prolly just go pure monk in that case. Maybe splashing a couple fighter for feats.

    You could also go the 6 barb but I think that's better for 2 handed. With 2 weapons you already have the dex going for greater fighting so the 6 ranger levels just compliment it greatly. From the tempest 1 to the boost in dmg with manyshot.
    Last edited by goodspeed; 08-12-2012 at 05:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I have a TWF human khopesh build that I love.
    I used a stone, so it is easily my youngest and highest level character.
    I don't know if it the highest DPS, but I certainly hold my own. A EH Chrono I did about three weeks ago and was third in the kill count next the two sorcs each on their 7th life. I am on my first life, and with the way it is going in epic content, I am not sure I want to sink the time into any more for this character as I do feel like I'll benefit any.
    Two weeks ago, I solo'd the last 15% of part five of a hard shroud with just straight DPS and silver flame pots.

    Its all perspective:
    It might not be the best, certainly not the worst, but I find it tons of fun and very serviceable and group and raid friendly (and I have even solo'd a few easy epics).

    Edit : In addition I have found this build to be pretty easy to aquire gear for. It took me about a month of active playing to get the gear set up I am running.
    Helm: purple dragon
    Gloves: purple dragon
    Armor: Embrace of the spider queen with +8 str
    belt: GFL
    bracers: cannith fabricators
    cloak: 6dex, protection 6
    ring: stalker
    other ring: char 6 resistance 7
    necklace 6 wis nat armor 6
    boots: propulsion
    googles: of the woodsman
    trinket: head of good fortune (my only piece of raid equipment and still only +1 luck bonus better than the voice of the master)

    The biggest grind I have had at all is accumulating the weapons for every scenario.

    This is my thrid character to cap and the easiest to gear for by far, as I have not had to do any epic gear or raid loot grinding. In contrast, I have been grinding gear for my other two capped (to 20, not yet to 25) toons for about two years now.
    Last edited by Nadalis; 08-14-2012 at 06:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I personally splash for specific reasons like 6 ranger for manyshot and free TWF/Bow feats, and then 2 monk or rogue for evasion.

    I can't live without evasion.

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