Im on my 2nd life now but will TR again once I reach 20. It seems like I could make a strength based THF Wizard and rip my way to 12 or 14 fairly fast, then LR to respec to a proper Wizard Good idea? I figure I can solo almost anything until I get my AOE's then I can stand in them and swing away. Seems like mobs will go down much faster than just throwing damaging spells at them all day long with no DPS of any kind. Was considering actually making a 18/2 H-orc Wizard/rogue then solo my way to 20 and TR again. Viable or not?

End goal is Im looking for solo ability to 20 so that I can TR again. I know end game is not wizard melee friendly I just want the past life feats and I am trying to make the journey back to 20 easy as possible. End toon will be properly speced (maxed Int and Con) to do his job at end game