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  1. #1
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    Default My Palemaster - End Game Gear


    Drow Wizard (2nd Life) going Palemaster

    Proposed Gear...

    I like those Purple Dragon Gloves.

    If I added those I could strip out the Lion Belt cause additions to CON would be covered by an Envenomed Cloak (+7 CON) and then the Purple Dragon Gloves would cover STR (+7) and CON (+2 Insightful). That would free up a Belt slot for something fun. It would also let me strip out Ring #2 because STR and INSIGHT CON would be covered. ****, that leaves FOUR SLOTS open!!!!

    ROBES: Spider Silk Robes (+3 Insightful Intelligence ones)
    TRINKET: Litany of the Dead (+1 bonus to all stats)
    NECKLACE: Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-De II (for the kinetic energy conversion)
    RING #1: Clever Ring +8 (if I can find one of these)
    BRACERS: Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (for the potential hp gain)
    CLOAK: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 Constitution and other things)
    GLOVES: Purple Dragon Gloves (+7 Strength and +2 Insightful Con)
    BOOTS: Epic Rock Boots (I like the Earth Earthen Guard, Stone Prison Guard and the 2 crystal slots)
    BELT: Open
    HELMET: Open
    GOGGLES: Open
    RING #2: Open

    +5 Nullification Dagger of Necro Mastery (+15 Spell Imp, +108 Null Power, Greater Necro Focus, Spell Penn IX)
    +5 Glaciation Dagger of Superior Void Lore (+15 Spell Imp, +102 Glaciation, Superior Void Lore)

    Anyone have suggestions for the open slots?
    Last edited by MasonGrimm; 07-27-2012 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2
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    As a wizard with necro/enchantment spec you should probably be aiming for dc's which means you want
    max int. That automatically means trinket ends up being litany. And since +3 insightful int doesn't come
    at this point on anything other then robe/trinket you will want the +3 insightful int robe. The +8 int
    can come on a number of random loot gen the best of which would probably be a ring though that
    will be tough to come by.

    Why would you want the epic ring of elemental essence confuses me. The stats on it went from bad in last
    update to pretty much useless in this update. +90 non stacking to each element is surpassed by just about
    any lootgen item and it's easy enough to get +108 or more of whatever with the appropriate lore.

    The epic darkstorm helm is another item that seems to have almost no use in your set up as the only thing
    it gives you is the clickie and superior lightning lore which can again be better slotted on a magnetism of
    superior lightning lore dagger/scepter/whatever. The bracers/belt are definitely a good idea though I would
    consider keeping rahkir's around for the extra boost and (no idea if stacking extra) crit chance.

    I don't quite see the reasoning for epic cloak of the roc either as epic envenomed seems much more useful
    for the +7 con and blue slot. A ToD ring with +2 insightful con seems like a good idea instead of the
    epic elemental essence and an abbot ring/epic ring of mire as good swap rings for preferably the +8 int one.

    Also why no conc/opp item? extra sp,extra hp or both if you can fit them. I'd consider making conc/opp boots
    now that anchoring will be less often an issue with sp and possibly goggles with hp though these
    are definitely a tough choice and might be swapped around.

    I understand the idea behind epic spectacles but since we now have both a major enchantment and major
    necromancy item in game it seems we will have more an issue with slotting spell pen (as the enchantment staff
    doesn't have one at all and the necro one only has normal IX) thankfully one of the staffs has arcane aug IX
    and the other spell pen IX and lesser arcane aug IX making the loss of spell pen not that huge.

    Gloves are a slot that is usually also swap with vile blasphemy being pretty much a must for at least swapping
    in. This might not be a bad spot for one of your shroud items though the UMD lag on the gloves is annoying.

    Anyhow that's just my 2 copper,

  3. #3
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    I'm not sure what a conc/opp item is.

    Looks like I will have to do some serious rethinking LOL.

    Anyone have an easy breezy list of items that they use on their Palemasters and then I can go and look them up on the wiki to see what they do and how it all fits in together?

  4. #4
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Cape of the Roc is nice. For a Pale Master, however, I'd strongly suggest that you take a look at the Phiarlan Mirror Cloak.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    Cape of the Roc is nice. For a Pale Master, however, I'd strongly suggest that you take a look at the Phiarlan Mirror Cloak.
    The spell absorption on it is borked with regards to pm auras in my opinion the abbot robe is a quick and
    easy swap for when those DP's are ticking on you or there's too much searing light being spammed to heal
    through it. Both should be decently rare though if you focus on clerics first.

    As for a gear load out you might consider checking for Pol's post in the wizard section (forum name K_0tiC)
    It's rather grind heavy, but not that bad. The tricky bit in my opinion is really mostly fitting in two shroud items.
    Conc/opp is concordant opposition and it procs a sp/hp regen which is similar but quite a bit rarer then torc's.
    I myself have originally crafted my hp item on bracers and haven't put them on in ages option for consorts instead.
    Again with the changes to the game I think a helm and boots might be best slots now unless you want the
    three piece abishai set. You could still swap that in situationally. The desert epics +cloak have enough slots
    to allow you to slot everything you need really I think.

  6. #6
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    You have a link to this post? I couldn't find it. I found mention of K_0tiC but not any posts by him

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawel_San View Post
    ....And since +3 insightful int doesn't come at this point on anything other then robe/trinket you will want the +3 insightful int robe. The +8 int can come on a number of random loot gen the best of which would probably be a ring though that will be tough to come by.
    Done. Picked up the robes today. That and my two daggers will be the start of a new set of gear based on some recommendations here. I still can't find that other dudes post though LOL

  8. #8
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    k, so reworking things here....

    ROBES: Spider Silk Robes (+3 Insightful Intelligence variant)
    TRINKET: Litany of the Dead (+1 bonus to all stats)
    NECKLACE: Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-De II (for the kinetic energy conversion)
    RING #1: Clever Ring +8 (if I can find one of these)
    RING #2: Draconic Ring (Tower of Despair ring) +6 Strength, +1 Exceptional Constitution
    BRACERS: Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (for the potential hp gain)
    CLOAK: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 Constitution and other things)
    BELT: Epic Lion-headed Belt (wouldn't this be half a waste since CON is now covered by Envenomed Cloak?)

    +5 Nullification Dagger of Necro Mastery (+15 Spell Imp, +108 Null Power, Greater Necro Focus, Spell Penn IX)
    +5 Glaciation Dagger of Superior Void Lore (+15 Spell Imp, +102 Glaciation, Superior Void Lore)

    Have I missed anything?

    I've got a few slots left open. BOOTS, GOGGLES, HELMET etc. etc.

    As for Rakhir's Sash as an optional belt; I would but since the Robes already have Wizardry IX (225 SP points) they will not stack with the Rakhir's Sash.
    Last edited by MasonGrimm; 07-27-2012 at 01:10 PM.

  9. #9
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    My pm, sorrowandei, is just starting his third life. My gear I have for end game is a +8 clever ring, necro staff, epic robe of shadow, demons consort, minos, propulsion boots, con op cloak, and purple dragon gloves for the +2 con and I just don't have anything any better. Trinket is litany until I get a +3 intel trinket. Dc's were 51 necro and 42 enchant. Spell pen was 49 and I was pretty happy with everything in the end.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
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  10. #10
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    I like those Purple Dragon Gloves.

    If I added those I could strip out the Lion Belt cause additions to CON would be covered by an Envenomed Cloak (+7 CON) and then the Purple Dragon Gloves would cover STR (+7) and CON (+2 Insightful). That would free up a Belt slot for something fun. It would also let me strip out Ring #2 because STR and INSIGHT CON would be covered. ****, that frees up FOUR SLOTS!!!!

    ROBES: Spider Silk Robes (+3 Insightful Intelligence ones)
    TRINKET: Litany of the Dead (+1 bonus to all stats)
    NECKLACE: Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-De II (for the kinetic energy conversion)
    RING #1: Clever Ring +8 (if I can find one of these)
    BRACERS: Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (for the potential hp gain)
    CLOAK: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 Constitution and other things)
    GLOVES: Purple Dragon Gloves (+7 Strength and +2 Insightful Con)
    BOOTS: Epic Rock Boots (I like the Earthen Guard, Stone Prison Guard and the 2 crystal slots)
    BELT: Open
    HELMET: Open
    GOGGLES: Open
    RING #2: Open

    +5 Nullification Dagger of Necro Mastery (+15 Spell Imp, +108 Null Power, Greater Necro Focus, Spell Penn IX)
    +5 Glaciation Dagger of Superior Void Lore (+15 Spell Imp, +102 Glaciation, Superior Void Lore)
    note: Daggers can be dual wielded which means I get all of these bonuses at once!

    Anyone have suggestions for the open slots?
    Last edited by MasonGrimm; 07-27-2012 at 08:08 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Nitesco's Avatar
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    The main reason to use an Epic Lion-Headed Belt Buckle is for the high proc rate Shaken effect (-2 to saves). This will increase your DC's by 2 for anything landing hits on you. Ultimately you will probably want a Greensteel SP/Cha Skills item, which the gloves spot is ideal for. I would leave bracers or a ring slot open for a Greater Focus item for either Enchantment or Conjuration. I rely on SLA Web too much to not wear the Epic Diabolist's Docent for the Epic Conjuration Focus, which is also my +7 Int and +1 exceptional Int item. I have Greater False Life slotted on the belt.

    The main reason to wear an Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II is for Greater Spell Penetration VIII, otherwise you can just swap it in for regaining SP, so this is also a potential place to slot a GS SP item. I can't be bothered running Shroud anymore, so I am currently doing without an SP/Cha Skills item. With the way Cleansing Essences work, Turbine have just made it too hard for me to bother being able to easily use Raise Dead scrolls, unless I find something in the ED that is worth taking. I have my HP/Con-Opp item on goggles, which is where I slot a HP item on most of my characters.\

    I don't even bother running DQ2 anymore for the Torc base item, which is all I need to make it EPic, due to the obnoxiously low drop-rates and disappointing 20th reward lists. I was really hoping for another Transform Kitetic Energy item, but due to the conflict with store sold consumables, I think Turbine will phase things like Torcs out in the long run.
    Last edited by Nitesco; 07-28-2012 at 04:44 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member doomboy's Avatar
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    imo, the staff of the necromancer from the underdark chain is a MUST for PMs, as it gives a +3 to your necromantic Dcs.
    "May the flamin' force be with you!"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by doomboy View Post
    imo, the staff of the necromancer from the underdark chain is a MUST for PMs, as it gives a +3 to your necromantic Dcs.

    BUT... IMHO you can use Epic Spirit Specs and get a +2 to necro and +2 to enchant on one item and free up your hands for a pair of items that can do more than just increase the DCs. Sure you don't get +3 but +2 is nothing to sneeze at.

  14. #14
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doomboy View Post
    imo, the staff of the necromancer from the underdark chain is a MUST for PMs, as it gives a +3 to your necromantic Dcs.
    It's a very nice staff, but you already get +2 from a Cannith crafted Greater Necro Focus item. There is a really nice variety of weapons that would be appropriate for a Pale Master.

  15. #15
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    You probably want to fit in Conc-Op greensteel (my preference is for whatever on tier I, then +50 SP/+2 Cha skills, +100 SP/+3 Cha skills), as well as a +45 HP greensteel item. Ash is nice for the Enervation Guard, but you don't need that.

    The (Epic) Lion-Headed Belt Buckle is rather solid for the Roaring effect (-2 to saves on things that hit you).

    You would probably be better off using the Staff of the Necromancer when insta-killing, and swapping to a set of nuking scepters when not. You can do the same for your enchantment or conjuration spells.

    My biggest problem is losing Boon of Undeath, and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that for +1 Int, so I'm trying to build around it. It means not getting +3 Insightful Int, but I can live with just having the +2. The issue, then, though, is that I end up needing to stick with one of the ToD rings probably, unless I can get +2 Int somewhere else (and slot +1 elsewhere as well). May have to end up giving up on Boon of Undeath, but it's hard...
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  16. #16
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    My wizard setup atm: (as always, subject to change)

    *In Progress

    Head: Epic Darkstorm*
    Neck: Torc
    Trinket: +8 INT
    Cloak: Epic Flames
    Belt: Epic Lion
    Ring: (swap) -5% spell fail, heavy fort, large guild augment (heavy fort will be something else after the darkstorm gets epic’d)
    Gloves: HP Concordant Opposition
    Boots: Epic Rock, several utility swaps including greensteel
    Ring: (perm) Epic Mire
    Bracers: Epic Demon Consort, Divine Power clikies
    Armour: Spider /w +3 insight INT
    Goggles: Epic Spirit Sight (+6 int slotted)

    I have enough slots for:
    +2 luck
    Heavy fort* (on darkstorm eventually)
    Greater False Life
    +1 ex INT (this is what Sephiroth1084 could do to lose a TOD ring)
    +1 ex CON
    Spare Yellow

    I am still playing with the exact slotting.

    Mainhand: Crystal/Water/Water/Fire Alchemical scepter (all mystical)
    Offhand: Light and Darkness, ???/Earth/Earth Alchemical* (???/martial/mystical)

    Situational: Staff of the Necromancer*

    Giving up the Epic Night robe was tough but I still keep it around
    for certain situations where incoming damage is enough to warrant
    the DC loss.

    This setup doesn’t have the highest spellpower for all elements
    at all times, but if I really need to efficiently and/or quickly nuke
    something I can swap to the various ~100 spellpower+lore one
    handed items. (in progress as well)

    Part of the reason I built for no/limited swaps is due to crippling
    UMD lag and my general lack of skill with managing tons of swaps
    in heavy combat situations.
    Last edited by Tobril; 08-04-2012 at 07:51 PM. Reason: I'm bad at spacing...
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  17. #17
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    +1 to whoever remembered propulsion boots.

    War wizard set is decent bridge gear until you get
    some of the other toys.
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  18. #18
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    My issue is less with finding a spot for the +1 Int from a ToD ring, and more with finding a replacement for the +2 Int on it. If I'm not giving up Boon of Undeath (Epic Robe of Shadow or Shroud of the Abbot), I don't have anywhere to get +3 Int except the trinket, which ends up as a wash with losing Litany, unless I'm simply doing that to free up the ring slot for something more compelling, which there isn't as far as I can tell.

    So the choices are:
    Spidersilk w/ +3 Int
    +8 Int somewhere
    +1 slotted in an epic item
    (+13 Int)


    +8 Int somewhere
    ToD ring w/ +1 and +2 Int
    (+12 Int)


    +8 Int somewhere
    +3 Int trinket
    +1 slotted in an epic item
    (+12 Int)

    The second and third are basically even, with the latter gaining a ring slot, but the former keeps Litany, which means +25 HP, +1 to all skills and saves. I don't really feel like I need the HP, but the whole Litany package is rather difficult to give up, particularly when you're looking at the only benefit being that you gain a ring slot.

    I could consider swapping to the Spidersilks w/+3, and keeping a robe with Boon in reserve for high-damage situations, but that would also mean keeping a ToD ring as a swap as well, because I don't think I'd want to lose 2 DC for those instances. That's possible, but a pain.

    And the reason I'm saying Boon of Undeath, rather than the Robe of Shadow specifically, is that if I have better Nullification and Greater or Major Necromancy Focus elsewhere, and possibly Major or Superior Lore elsewhere as well, there's no reason to wear the Robe of Shadow, whereas the Shroud of the Abbot offers Improved/Greater Light Resist which is worth keeping on.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    My issue is less with finding a spot for the +1 Int from a ToD ring, and more with finding a replacement for the +2 Int on it. If I'm not giving up Boon of Undeath (Epic Robe of Shadow or Shroud of the Abbot), I don't have anywhere to get +3 Int except the trinket, which ends up as a wash with losing Litany, unless I'm simply doing that to free up the ring slot for something more compelling, which there isn't as far as I can tell.

    So the choices are:
    Spidersilk w/ +3 Int
    +8 Int somewhere
    +1 slotted in an epic item
    (+13 Int)


    +8 Int somewhere
    ToD ring w/ +1 and +2 Int
    (+12 Int)


    +8 Int somewhere
    +3 Int trinket
    +1 slotted in an epic item
    (+12 Int)

    The second and third are basically even, with the latter gaining a ring slot, but the former keeps Litany, which means +25 HP, +1 to all skills and saves. I don't really feel like I need the HP, but the whole Litany package is rather difficult to give up, particularly when you're looking at the only benefit being that you gain a ring slot.

    I could consider swapping to the Spidersilks w/+3, and keeping a robe with Boon in reserve for high-damage situations, but that would also mean keeping a ToD ring as a swap as well, because I don't think I'd want to lose 2 DC for those instances. That's possible, but a pain.

    And the reason I'm saying Boon of Undeath, rather than the Robe of Shadow specifically, is that if I have better Nullification and Greater or Major Necromancy Focus elsewhere, and possibly Major or Superior Lore elsewhere as well, there's no reason to wear the Robe of Shadow, whereas the Shroud of the Abbot offers Improved/Greater Light Resist which is worth keeping on.

    Good reasoning there, shows that gearsets will
    vary a bit depending on what people have and
    how they play.

    Since I don't have a litany the easy answer was
    an 8 int trinket. If I had a litany my setup would
    be a bit different.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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