I recently unshelved my water savant sorcerer and started working on gearing her up. I initially planned to make her a 3 pieces abishai set for the +3 caster level to evocation spells, when I realized that it may be useless considering destinies already provide +5 caster level.
The only evocation spell that really seems to benefit from increased CL past 20 is polar ray.
Caster level calculations:
Base caster level 20
Epic destiny 5
White dragon heritage 3
Water savant 6
Epic abishai set 3
Arcane augmentation 2
= 39 CL
Maximum caster level:
Base MCL for polar ray 25
White dragon heritage 3
Water savant 3
Water savant ToD set 2
= 33 MCL
So even with water savant set, it seems the maximum useful caster level is 33, and therefore any bonus past this including abishai and arcane augmentation, is pointless.
Did I miss anything?