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  1. #1
    Community Member TheBlueFox's Avatar
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    Default Help me with my TR

    So Im gonna TR my druid and use what i've learned to better make him but I need some assistance. Here's some knowledge beforehand:

    I enjoy wolf form and will most likely use it 90% of the time, so that means max wis, decent str, con the rest of the way. I want it to still be viable for using the elemental forms, just not necessarily with feat support, but hey, its just for those times where I wanna re-spec for fun. Bear seems like it wont suffer from having Con as a tertiary too severely.

    18 wis
    16 str
    14-16 con...seems about right

    Int, enough for concentration, and if I can help it, spot and diplo, If only one, Diplo

    First off, Race.

    Elf is what I used, negative to Con, Plus to dex... wow that was a mistake, still, it gave me access to longswords and rapiers, and I DID use a few good ones, but now I've got some Scimitars in the bank and I really dont NEED those weapon proficiencies. So elf is most likely out.

    Human, Extra feat, Bonus to Wisdom (+1 with human enhancement) and Str (other human enhancement). This seems like a TOP choice for druid, I mean,

    Half Orc, People SAY size matters, but I dont believe that size has anything to do with how powerful you are, so all this gives is a decent strength and some rage enhancements. Which if I was a BEAR would be great. Still, I might level up or solo as a bear, so this could be useful as well. Probably my second choice...

    Dwarf, Shield enhancements I think, right? I have some densewood heavy shields in the bank and I use shield mastery and imp shield mastery, this could be useful.

    Then there's Half Elf. Dilettantes for fighter and rogue do seem tempting, but I don't really need them. Extra bluff and Intim are nice and all, but I don't find myself using them all that often, I play as a rogue mainly and im quite used to avoiding attention while dealing damage.


    Also, Dex...worth it? I dont usually care about AC much, I'm still in the mindset of DDO in the past, All or nothing. I had about a 18 dex on this 20 druid, and thats starting 12 with a +6 item. Reflexes suck, no evasion, seems im better off with Diplo and -threat as a wolf, and DR as a bear.
    Last edited by TheBlueFox; 07-15-2012 at 05:15 PM.
    Wisdom is a liquor store. Tastes so sweet, just wait till you wake up in the morning.

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