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    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default How to Access Lamannia

    Playing on Lamannia requires the installation of a separate DDO client. You don't need to uninstall your existing DDO client.

    To download the Lamannia client, click here! Save this client in a location different than your primary DDO client.

    NOTE TO CHROME USERS: You may need to Right Click on the link above then open it into an Incognito Window in order for the download to work.

    What do I need to do prior to playing on Lamannia?

    NEW DDO USERS: If this is your first time playing DDO, and you do not have an existing DDO account, you can setup a new account by visiting Once you have created your account, download the Lamannia client.
    EXISTING DDO USERS: You can log into Lamannia using any of your DDO game accounts - the login information is the same! Note that on Lamannia, we will be testing the permissions of various account levels, so all gating mechanisms will be in place. This means that:
    - If you have not yet purchased Menace of the Underdark, you will not have access to Menace of the Underdark specific content in Lamannia
    - If you are not a VIP, you will not have access to any features that are free to VIPs (Druid, Challenges) unless you purchased the Standard or Collector's edition of Menace of the Underdark

    When are the events start in Lamannia?

    We will announce Lamannia events here in the Lamannia forums! Note that because this is a test environment, dates and times are subject to changes.

    Can I talk about what I see in Lamannia?

    Yes! You may discuss what you see in Lamannia with others. We do ask that here in the DDO forums, feedback regarding what you see in Lamannia be kept in the Lamannia forums where our developers and QA staff will be watching for bugs and feedback!

    How does the DDO Store work on Lamannia?

    A Lamannia-only version of the DDO Store will be available. This DDO Store is completely separate from the DDO Store on the live servers. No DDO Points will be available for purchase in the Beta DDO Store. No DDO Points or Store purchases on Lamannia will be transferred from the Lamannia DDO Store to the live servers/live DDO Store.

    Is there Customer Support on Lamannia?

    The In-Game Team may be providing limited customer support, though GM’s will not be fixing quest issues, investigating lost items, etc.

    All users must adhere to the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service while logged into Lamannia. Any violations of either the Code of Conduct or the Terms of Service resulting in disciplinary action which may occur in Lamannia will affect a user’s live DDO account as well. Bans in Lamannia will carry over to a user’s live DDO account. If you are experiencing game difficulties, please check the Lamannia forums for updates, known issues, and assistance.

    NOTE: Standing Stone Games cannot guarantee constant content functionality on the Lamannia server. Permanent character residence is also not guaranteed, as the server may be subject to character wipes as they become necessary.

    Providing Feedback

    Please provide feedback through the Lamannia forums and through bug reports by selecting “Lamannia” as the server of origin. The bug reporting form is also available while you are logged into the Lamannia server by selecting "Help" from the menu bar. All discussions related to specific feedback on what you see and experience in Lamannia should be restricted to the Lamannia forums for review by our team.

    Who Is Invited To Participate on Lamannia?

    Lamannia is currently available to all DDO players. Please note that generally speaking your account will have the same permissions/access level as what you have on the live servers (e.g. if you are a VIP, you will also be a VIP on Lamannia). We host special events to allow users to access additional content that they might not be able to access by default on their account, such as Lamannia-only Turbine Points and flagging for quest previews. Keep an eye on the announcements forum for the latest schedule of events!

    I already have the Lamannia game client, do I need to reinstall it?

    No, if you already have the Lamannia game client, you simply need to patch up to the latest version by running the Lamannia game launcher.
    Last edited by Cuser74b; 04-14-2022 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Updated Lamannia Install URL

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