OK so I'm making a Sorceror for my friend because shes more into Blasting than crowd controlling and what not so she asked me to make a Savant sorceror (she likes the SLAs)
Now my Dillema is whther to go Air or Earth and Warforged or Half-Elf...personally I'd probably go Half-Elf Air Savant but I don't have much experience with Sorc 'so I figure I'd ask you guys.
Now warforged have the obvious advantage of self-healing from their blue bar but a Half-Elf w/ Pally Dilly can use basic divine wands/scrolls and if I fit in UMD even with half-ranks the HIgh Cha of a Sorc I should be able to get no-fail heal scrolls and heal amp is easier to boost than repair amp...so I'd say their about even and Half-Elf gets +5 to saves out of the deal but Warforged get Immunities....its a hard call.
Now my main issue is Air Savant vs. Earth (or fire or Water) I love the utility (featherfall, monk-like jump that Air savant brings and the Archer and Barbarian in our group will love the boost to lightning strike. Plus Lightning spells just look cool but Water,Fire & Earth Savant have better attack SLAs.
Anyways here's the two builds.
Code:Half-Elf Sorc 20 (Air Savant) Str 10 Con 16 Int 12 Cha 18 (Lvl ups here) HE Pally Dilly (+5 Saves & Free Divine Wand/Scroll Use FTW) 1 Toughness 3 Empower 6 Maximize 9 DM1 12 DM2 15 Heighten 18 DM3 Skills: UMD, Concen, DiploCode:Warforged Sorc 20 (Likely Air or Earth Savant but open to suggestion) Con 20 Cha 16 (Lvl ups here) 1 Extend 3 Empower 6 Maximize 9 Toughness 12 SF: Conj 15 Heighten 18 Quicken Skills: Concentration