I really like having a place we can only get to by teleportation.
The place looks nice but needs some help.
Whether you agree or disagree--here is my wish list.
If you can buy spells up to and including level 7 you should be able to acquire all the needed materials for those spells there too.
You can't. This should be addressed.
Scroll cases-Scroll cases-Scroll cases. These should be implemented and available there.
A Bank or at least a storage locker.
An Auctioneer.
A row of training dummies.
An airship docking platform-can still have access for spell casters only everyone else can wait on the ship. (kinda ruins the teleport only so maybe not)
Guild Vendors
2nd hand store
Maybe expand the available spells and materials to every level.
Maybe carve out a section exclusively for higher level players.
Increase the size with additional rooms and /or levels for any additions
Visually..add a larger cast of wandering arcane NPCs not all humanoid, maybe with a couple of elementals thrown in.
Instead of the post box as the center piece have an Elemental Fountain with flowing water, lava, acid and a powerful air jet shooting out of the top.
A little more flora would be nice and maybe an all glass aviary.
Windows and/or a balcony to outside.
A slide from the upper level to lower level. WEEEE!
An elevator into the bowels of the structure where we can witness the Cannith Industrialized Magic at work.
Now this would be a place I would love to hang out in with my peers.