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  1. #1
    Community Member ~Quilny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Named loot on Timer

    ok so I see posts alot with people complaining abotu people accidently looting something they can't use usually because said player was new and didn't know any better.

    So what about a Timer on all named loot for 5min and only lasts while player is still in raid. for that 5 min item can be traded. We would have to make it bound as soon as person leaves dungoen that way they cannot put it on the AH or in Shared bank.

  2. #2
    Community Member Airgeadlam's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Mmmm... what about hidden proxy rolls? As in I roll for an item, then trade it to guildie/friend? You would see me looting the chest, but never know about the second trade. Not saying is a bad idea, but instead of being tradeable... don't know.. why not being able to put the item back in the chest so could happen a re-roll?
    Last edited by Airgeadlam; 01-08-2012 at 04:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Since they'd have to program an entirely new mechanic to do this anyways, they could just make it an item option to give it to someone else in the raid party, and it is announced to the party when/if this happens.

  4. #4
    Community Member ~Quilny's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Airgeadlam View Post
    Mmmm... what about hidden proxy rolls? As in I roll for an item, then trade it to guildie/friend? You would see me looting the chest, but never know about the second trade. Not saying is a bad idea, but instead of being tradeable... don't know.. why not being able to put the item back in the chest so could happen a re-roll?

    I like that idea much better than mine yes lets make it so you either keep it or put it back in chest very very smart thinking sir/madam.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Barazon's Avatar
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    May 2008


    A much simpler mechanism would be to simply change ANY item in any chest (not just raid chests or raid items) to be able to be looted by anyone (similar to how some dungeons have keys lootable by anyone) 5 minutes after that person leaves the instance. The timer would only trigger when someone leaves and gets the "rest" effect of having left the dungeon, not on losing connection. If they re-enter the instance, the timer is eliminated. I don't see this as terribly important, but eliminates the chance of someone yelling "I was coming back for that!"

    As long as it only triggers on leaving the instance and getting the rest effect, I don't see a problem where someone opens a chest, loses connection, comes back 5 minutes later and the chest is there but their items are gone. That way if someone is nice enough to save the instance, another person cannot loot the items.

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