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This is a general awareness message for all those aspiring Arcanes out there. When you are questing with groups, it is imperative that you realize how important your meatshields are for you. You can kill everything within a 120-foot radius in 30 seconds or your money back, but after that you will find your SP Pool depleted rather quickly. Take it from an "experienced" (I use that term lightly) caster that once you pass the level 10 area, you will notice things not dying near as quickly as you'd like. So please, try to carry these buffs no matter where you go or who you are. Blur, displace, stoneskin, haste, and Rage. Buffs are vital when doing Elite _______ at level.
This isn't intended for "experienced" players, but rather a friendly reminder to those starting Arcanes out there who think that fireball will kill everything in Elite _______. It won't. It will make it mad and come looking to hit you in the face.
Look at it this way, when you blur the entire team, imagine giving the Healer +20% of their total mana bar back. When you give the main DPS (barbarians/fighters) Displacement, you add another +50% to their HP bar and give the cleric nearly 200 SP back. If the melee doesn't get hit at all, then they won't need healing. (logic ftw).
Haste and Rage, they are not single spells, but a sentence in and of themselves. Giving Haste not only kills things much quicker, but also makes the quest go faster. Imagine this: You can spend 15 SP to blow up a small group of enemies, or you can cast a minute of haste onto your melees and have them kill 10 groups of enemies. Rage is flavor as well, the barbs will love you for it.
Finally there comes Stoneskin, this is an incredibly expensive spell to cast at-level, but more often than not you can find a Wand of Stoneskin from quest rewards and just floating around. Giving Stoneskin to the DPS saves them 100 HP, and gives the Cleric 100 SP back as well. Giving Stoneskin to an AC/Tank practically turns on God-Mode for the next 10 minutes.
While there will be people who can solo these quests, a majority of the newer population will find themselves having issues getting groups when they are just starting out. Being an asset rather than a liability not only nets you a good name, but often makes friends (and therefore questing buddies). So please, be considerate to your meatshields as they make life so much easier.