I usually run out of mana in this part.
Either I spam too fast, or I'm using the wrong spells.
I usually spam without stopping Cure moderate and cure serious woulds mass (Emp. Heal & Empowered) 61 SP for 190.
Occasionally when I try to Mass Heal, its often too slow (even with Quicken. I suppose the Right clickable Quicken option is still bugged?) But if I turn the hotbar Button for quicken On, will it use up too much mana for my Cure Mod and Cure serious? Haven't tried yet.
When I ask around, i hear that they use Heal Mass primarily, and Cure moderate in between.
Do the Healers usually take turns? Or do they heal at the same time? I was always too embarassed to really ask the other healer, so I suppose we usually heal at the same time, but I usually run out first.
Probably im healing too much, now i realize that.. But isn't Heal Mass risky since Melees can die pretty quickly?
So, spamming without stopping is really just being safer?